First of all, massive thanks to the EngineOS devs & management for keeping the updates and improvements coming!
Now as the topic says, I updated both my SC6000M’s to the EngineOS from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 this morning… After loading a few tracks and mixing a bit, I noticed the waveforms of each track weren’t scrolling on 2.3.0 as smoothly as they did on 2.2.2.
When i looked closer, it seems that every few seconds, the waveform was missing frames in the animation and was jumping forwards on the horizontal axis. This almost looks like a rough scroll or a random stuttering effect. It almost seems like the processor is getting held up with some other process behind the scenes and struggling to refresh the waveform on the display.
I recorded this happening on my phone… Putting aside the difference between camera frame-rate and display refresh rate, you can still see this scroll lag happening about 6 seconds into the video (07:04.7 to 07:04.9 on the display/track) and 13 seconds (07:11.9 to 07:12.1 on the display/track)
If you actually look closer at the second/millisecond counter on the display you can see that it goes from 07:04.5, 07:04.6, 07:04.7, skips 07:04.8, and goes to 07:04.9. Same thing for other skips/stutters.
Now you might say who cares about a 0.1s skip every few seconds, but if you’re actually looking at the waveform to help with mixing and setting FX, these skips make it really annoying on the eye.
I also rebooted, reset settings, reinstalled 2.3.0… Tried various tracks from USB and SSD, nothing fixed it! Any track played on both decks show this scroll stutter.
Can others please verify they’re having the same issue? Wondering if it’s just a problem with the SC6000m’s or across the whole product line.