Engine Prime doesn't add tracks to playlist

Is there anyone else that might have an idea what I can do to get this working again? It’s driving my crazy!! I need to have this working by the weekend for my regular gigs. Any assistance will really be appreciated.

hello, I have same issue. I can’t make update to new Engine DJ because I have MacBook late 2011. someone can confirm if I will have new version this problem will be solved?

Im not so sure that this is related to the macbook though. I have 2 macs. An older 2010 i7 & a 2013 retina i7. This has suddenly started happening on both of them. I almost feel like it’s related to a setting on the drives, but I can’t figure out what it is. Both my external drives say I have “custom access” - but I don’t have a clue if thats good or bad.

I was ready to go buy new MacBook… but I think this is not a problem. something happened at some point and nooo idea why and what. sure same was with you that all was working and exporting playlist was not a problem suddenly I can’t export this what I create.

Perhaps try checking the permissions of the drives affected. Maybe it has something to do with “custom access” like mine?

Did you try with a new database?

Not yet. I’ve been trying to avoid that coz my library is really massive. Thanks for the linked example. I’ll try rename the Engine Library & see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion.

@mufasa So I tried as you suggested, renamed my Engine Library folder to Engine Library - old. Opened up Engine - exactly the same thing. I can add tracks to the collection, but it wont allow me to add any tracks to the drive. I thought it might have something to do with the drive saying I have “custom access” . However Rekordox can create playlists on this drive without any problems. Im also able make a new folder on the drive, so I don’t think it’s a permissions thing. I just dont know what to do anymore. 2 out of my 3 drives are doing this. The 3rd one, Im still able to create playlist on. Im soooooo confused.

@Logan Please can you get a member of staff to assist with this issue please. 2 weeks & no staff have tried to help at all.

  1. Did you try reformatting the non-working usb stick eg if it was Fat32 try reformatting to ExFat of vice versa

  2. If one usb works then one should be able to figure out why the other 2 are not

@mufasa Thanks for all your help here. I haven’t done any reformatting as it’s not really an option for me. The 2 backup drives that are suddenly not working properly with EP, are also my 2 drives that I use on my regular Saturday gigs where I play on cdj’s. So they are basically my rekordbox drives as well (they still work perfectly fine with Rkbx). So I can’t be deleting & reformatting these drives just because EP suddenly doesn’t populate my playlists. There has to be another reason why this is happening. I have noticed a couple of other people on FB also complaining about the same issue, where out of the blue, EP just refuses put music into playlists. I really do appreciate your help here, but I honestly feel like someone from Denon needs to officially look into this.

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Hey @crazycraig, thanks for tagging me. I’m not sure that I’m the best person to help, have you tried to contact support about the issue? They have a live chat feature where you should be able to talk to someone during office hours EST. This is the link to use to get in touch. They should be able to guide you through some troubleshooting steps and get things up and running for you!

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@Logan Thanks for the Link. I haven’t tried support yet (dunno why I didn’t think of that 1st :man_facepalming:). I’ll try that right now. Much appreciated. :facepunch:


Hi @crazycraig did you hear back from support? I’ve just moved over to a Mac and I’m experiencing the same issues. The tracks are in the collection but it won’t let me add it to a playlist. Have you tried to export to a USB/SD card? If so has the new music show up on it?

Thanks mate!

Do you have rekordbox collection on the same usb you are exporting to?

I’m planning to try to recreate the issue

Hey guys. I managed to solve the problem. Well actually, thanks to Mixmaster G from ■■■■ (Denon Conversion Utility) for pointing me in the right direction. It turns out it was the database on the computer (in my music folder) that was causing my issues. I use EP differently to most, where my main collection of music isn’t stored directly on my computer. For each drive that I use, the music that is added to that drive get’s added to my EP collection directly from the drive itself. This allows me to keep my music in folders the way I like & saves me the mission of exporting & syncing etc… So when Mufasa told me to try rename the Engine Library, I renamed the one on each of my drives, which didn’t work. I didn’t think there would be another Engine Library on my computer as no music stored on my computer is part of the collection. Mixmaster G told me that there is also an Engine Library folder on my computer located in my music folder, and I should try to delete that one as it was probably corrupt. When I did that… Problem solved. No loss of database either as my main collection & database is actually on the drive. I am now back to where I was before. I’m able to create playlists by dragging folders into my collection without any problems. Happy Days!! Massive thanks @mufasa for trying your best to help. I really appreciate it. @VINOANDVINYL I don’t know if my solution will actually help you as your main collection is probably on your computer, but it’s certainly worth a try. I recommend you make a copy of your Engine Library or actually just rename it something like ‘Engine Library1’ - the one in your ‘Music’ folder on your pc. Then test to see if you are able to add tracks again. Thanks again everyone that gave their input & tried to help me. Respect!!

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Great you got it to work. mixmaster g is a legend and learnt a lot from him.

This is my post on this thread and there was a link to give info on how to rebuild.

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How the hell did I miss that?!! So, this problem was actually solved ages ago - if I just read properly! Now I feel like a proper idiot!! Thanks again @mufasa

Simply tip for all Mac users- use Time machine Backup- this tool saved my life in some situations

I’m having the same problem. I can’t add anything to a playlist, or move playlists around. When I do, this red prohibited sign shows up. :no_entry_sign:

Notes: -I’ve uninstalled / reinstalled Engine, -made sure nothing is ‘read only’. (songs / engine executable / engine library folders) -drive is formatted ‘exfat’ -This is what it looks like when I try to add tracks to a playlist: