SSH on the Prime 4

There’s no “right” to hacking.

And I’m certain that InMusic would rather a hacked unit bearing their name on most of the sides didn’t crash in front of hundreds or thousands of people due to hacked code.


Bruteforcing is a real bad idea. As I know, I found a counter for wrong passphrases on ssh. So if that counter hits, it could be that you can´t access your device at all.


I hope Denon has not implemented such a counter, since it would make your device vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. Anyone with network access could lock you out of your device by doing a series of connection attempts with invalid credentials.

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Have you heard of the operating system powering ~90+% of all server hardware? It’s open source. That thing called Android? Open source as well. Most of the libraries used by EngineOS? Open source.

What you said came straight out of some Microsoft funded marketing event.

Like saying legalizing the posession of lighters or matches would cause uncontrollable arsony and fires everywhere. (If you’re american replace lighters with firearms and arsony and fires with shootings)


SSH has no such thing, you might be talking about fail2ban which blocks a specific IP address for some amount of time after some amount of failed logins.

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Raise a feature request, see if it gets the votes. That is your best course of action.

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You clearly don’t understand the point. And I’m not American. 17 years in this business showed me a lot what is reliable and what is not. If You work in stage professional business, You know, that having a reliable gear is a must. And if You let people tinker with the gear, You introduce a lot of variables, that can go wrong. No one has time for issues in the middle of the event. And if anything can go wrong, better to minimise the risk. I know many users can have some skill to make the gear better, but majority has the skill to make it worse. So better to keep these users be exactly - users, not modders. And Android is most unreliable system I ever had on a smartphone…


I don’t think it will ever be implemented but vote here: :relieved:


That’s the key point. Not so much on peoples own gear if they are just practicing privately, but where people are taking their gear to a public place, or bedroom video streaming to the world (well, to a watching audience of 11) or worse still if someone hacks a deck which is in a club somewhere.

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There is also the consideration that someone takes a modified unit to an event and it bricks… who do we think gets the abuse for that on social media, not the modifier, it’s Denon/inMusic.

You can see the posts now “yet another Denon unit failing in a professional environment”, when the root cause is outside of their control.

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Well I am not using my players to put bread on the table. If you need reliable gear, then don’t use the feature?!

If you won’t use it anyways, why do you care what I do with my units? Do you also care about me using the streaming services? Because they too can be unreliable and streaming services being unreliable for me affects you in the exact same way that me having SSH access to my units does. (Not at all, that is)

(Plus, 17 years in the business and you don’t have a separate dev/prod setup? LOL)


You don’t even need SSH access to brick a Denon setup, I can just power cycle my x1850 and the link is broken for like half an hour or ~ten “refresh IP” (whatever is faster).

Which is one thing I hope to debug with Shell access btw.

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Good luck with the votes on the feature request :+1:t3:


You don’t get it. If I put the gear on rental and someone puts on it unofficial gear. I will be not aware of that and rent out further the setup, then I get the blame of the problems that occur or people will talk bad about the gear I rent out. That’s why I rather want that professionals handle the gear software than home amateurs build their own and then try it on my rental setups. There is too much to lose that way.

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Not needed in rental festival dj world?

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Yeah - I was thinking exactly the same thing


So you just rent your devices to anyone without prohibiting them from modifying the devices? Kind of your own fault. Same as when you let people with modified devices play in your club.

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@STU-C @Pasha funny to see how much energy you invest in ranting about someone elses feature request. You guys really are the epitome of kindness, the very marrow of the Denon community. What would this forum be without people like you.


When I am not at the venue with my gear, how can I know what is a guy having in his usb stick. I have multiple setups in rental, some go over 100km away sometimes. I can’t be in all places and look on peoples hands all time. How can I prohibit a player update then? What a strange question is that? Did You ever at least seen a rental business that has a warehouse full of gear and rents it to multiple organisations/people at the same time?

What makes you think this is about people with USB Sticks?

I want SSH (google it, it’s a network shell) access to MY device(s).

Maybe the way Denon implements it involves me uploading my public key to the inMusic website, where my devices are registered by serial number, and then my device (identified by serial) downloads the key from their API which in turn gives me access.

Which, again, doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever.