ok here is my humble little studio…
Nice. Are you the guy in the middle of this photo @KevinBasher ?
It’s not as bad as it appears in the pictures, but beat-juggling would be impossible
Beat juggling would be a serious cardio workout
Made my day …
Long arms aren’t good enough these days. He need an extra set of 2 smaller arms. lol. It’s a nice looking setup though.
Here’s my updated setup. It requires short arms lol.
It meets all my needs for djing in this day and age with standalone sampling and effects. There’s a foot pedal on the floor so I can trigger to record when my hands are busy and to quickly erase when I screw it up. And it’s all synced though Ableton link.
This is just for home. My giging gear is different.
Looking to see if Denon brings out a 2ch mixer that works almost exactly like the x600 or might get the prime go for giging if an update allows for adjusting bpm while gridding and monitoring line levels instead of only for the master channel.
Nice! Is recording and playing back on the 505 “quantized” by using Ableton Link?
Yes, but it’s done via midi cable out (iRig Pro) from my old iPhone to the 505 using the Link to Midi app.
Hey, Stereodreamer, would you possibly divulge how much your SSA custom cost you? I wanted to DM you this question, but your profile is hidden. I am going to buy either a custom ‘Carmen V’ or ‘Lucia’ within the coming months, and wanted to get a ballpark idea of how much more Condesa charges for custom work.
Hey. Sorry, didn’t realize my profile was hidden here. Not sure why it was either. Anyway, just went and updated preference settings so hit me up there on this. Thanks
Still says hidden.
OK, think I got it now. This has to be one of the most user-unfriendly sites around. Geez lol
This is not my “home dj booth” but my “portable dj system”. It consists in the Prime GO synced to a Teenage Engineering OP-Z using Ableton Link (via the G-Stomper Rythm Android app). I use the Moukey Mamx1 mixer because I want to pre-listen (cue) the individual channels in the Prime GO, the Master Out and the OP-Z using a single headphones.
The OP-Z output is connected to the Mic input (using a custom-made line-to-mic attenuator) in the Prime GO, because I prefer to control the volume using the mic knob (the aux knob is located in a very uncomfortable position), but with this decision I had to sacrifice the stereo (aux) signal and use a mono (mic) signal, using a custom-made stereo-to-mono-summing cable.
The Prime GO CUE signal is connected to the headset input in the OP-Z (using the iRig2) so I can sample the CUE signal from the Prime GO, and also use the internal samples from the OP-Z (amazing device by the way!!!).
The Prime GO is lifted 1 cm and all the cables (a lot, omg!!) lie below it. The smartphone is only used to sync the two devices via Ableton Link, I do not even look at it. Everything is battery-powered, except the Moukey Mamx1 that is powered using the USB-A port from the Prime GO. The dimensions are 45x38x9 cm approximately, but with the OP-Z I can give that extra “spice” to the songs, really fun.
Some amazing setups here, really nice… mine isn’t actually that relevant to a Denon forum lol. I am looking to add a media player on a stand however, I just wish Denon had an XDJ-700 alternative that was more compact. Ill try and shoehorn an SC5000 into there somehow though I think.
I use a Prime 2 for gigs.
As some of You know, I was rebuilding my attic room to be my music cave/home studio. It is in the making still, but I can share the dj side…
All is still work in progress, but getting there…
Wow! I know this was posted nearly two years ago, but DANG! I had one too!
Along with my FIRST mixer!
Nice MAW graphic
Cheers man, hand painted by my partner who is an artist/art teacher.