Show your home DJ booth - Discussions

Im sick of Apple Music and the mess they’ve made of album art, loads of my tracks display the wrong artwork or just none at all so ive decided to run with a DJ logo on the Prime 2… seems appropriate :rofl::rofl:


Moin @STU-C,

reminds me to 54 —> Freak out

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Yeah and much like Nile Rodgers, they dont let me in either :slight_smile:

Why didn’t you ask me lol it’s a long story and long, long time ago

31st of July 2023 Chic is here in the “Stadtpark” for an open air concert. I can listen to the open air concerts @Stadtpark from my balkony.

I often use the the refrain “freak out” for sampling :innocent:

Brgds BeatMaster

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Nile Rogers was here just 2 miles away last week and we wanted to loiter around to listen in. I hear he was great.


I will think of you all and keep you posted.

I hope the weather will be fine, as it is an open air concert. Good Times!


Every time I see vinyl setups I kick myself for selling my vinyl for a pittance. All the tech we have now is great. But you still can’t beat vinyl.

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That’s why I’ll use DVS as the core of my setup at home forevermore. Best of both worlds.

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I’m seriously considering getting turntables for this reason. I just wish I still had all my lovely vinyl. Sold the lot for £80 simply because moving house constantly at the time and didn’t own turntables.

The cost to replace them would be just astronomical now. If I’d kept them I’d be looking at around £2000 for the lot on eBay. One vinyl is going for more than I sold my entire collection!

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Same here I ended up selling mine for a small amount to Crazy Beat Records in Essex and I’m sure they have made a fortune out of them.


Yeah sounds about right…

Yeah the prices are nuts. The median value of mine on Discogs is £2365, with the max being £5400. You can buy new stuff at ok prices though, I collect 45s now.


Madness isn’t it. When I sold mine I literally couldn’t give them away…


The joys of vinyl being cool again haha:) mine were living in the garage, now they are slowly making their way back in the house.


Yeah it’s annoying that they are suddenly so in demand for some reason! I was always vinyl only really. Took me years to transition over to CDs and then eventually controllers. Something has always been missing since I sold my 1210s around 15 years ago. Hopefully everyday joe will get bored of the novelty and serious collectors can enjoy normal prices. But that’s just wishful thinking.

You can still get on with DVS though in the meantime:) 99% of my DJing is using that at home. Obviously decks aren’t cheap these days but they’ll last a lifetime won’t they. I had a go on the mk7s last week and loved em

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Yeah, that’s my plan. Not sure if I’ll go with mk7s though as the price is a bit mental. The first thing I need to do is find a mixer. Because I’m currently mixerless so to speak. Can’t believe stock issues are still going on… I’m trying to find a 750mk2 but absolutely none available… Only other options are major compromises, and even then they are not in stock lol! I just want to buy what I want when I want. Without waiting x amount of months. Is that really too much to ask?

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I sold my 1210’s too, way back in 1994 when I moved in with the Mrs and she only had a one bedroom flat.


Makes you want to build a Time Machine so you can stop yourself from selling doesn’t it.


That would be great, I’d have my 1210’s back, all of my vinyl and I would have stayed single :rofl: