X-Mas wish list

Christmas is coming - what’s your wish list? Here is mine, being an enthusiastic Prime Go user/owner for a few weeks now:

  1. More official Denon rep. involvement here - may reduce speculation and repeated requests
  2. Ventura update for EngineDJ
  3. Tidal sync and track prep in EngineDJ (computer). Something Tidal does not allow? Official statement appreciated - see 1.
  4. Channel volume meters on Prime Go (see 1. - have not yet found an official statement, if this may ever be possible)
  5. More reactive volume meters for master (adaptable range or less sluggish) on Prime Go - mine do not move much and thus do not make a very dynamic impression.
  6. Effects on headphones, pre/post fader effect setting, Prime Go (may be related?)

To make it clear - I love the DenonDJ products! So far have not had any quality, hardware issues. The white, green blue colour scheme is my favourite in the industry and I would never want to use a product, just because it has the rep. of being “industry standard”. So this are just wishes, that would help making my experience even better.


Point #4 is one of the last shortcomings of PRIME GO that remains. After eliminating this shortcoming, this device will be as professional as possible


Aftershave, vouchers and some new boxer shorts.


I just read in another thread that when the cue button is clicked it switches to channel volume?

  • world peace!

The cue active is just a feature idea I think. At least it does not work like that on my unit.


Ahhh ok, that was where I was getting confused.

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That’s a great one, count me in. :v::dove:

As for the Denon hardware:

  • Overall very lovely, very capable, I am glad to be on board
  • For my Denon Prime 4 ‘MK2’ ideas, look here
  • Please add AUX-CUE/PFL for the SC Live 4 (quick menu) like the P2 has (button), mixing in a backup phone or Akai MPC/Force via Ableton Link is mostly useless without pre-listening
  • Sturdier upfaders and Play/Pause buttons (like the SC6000 has) for all future devices
  • Keep on improving the high end roll-off, and even more, the EFX quality
  • For the next hardware iteration, double the RAM and use stronger chips than the RK3288
  • Don’t go “too subtle” in the design, e.g. I miss the silver feet of the SC5000/P4, they look dope
  • VU meters should stay conservative: green-yellow-red
  • Separate VU channel meters for the Prime Go (as stated above)
  • Sampler Mode
  • Hard reboot with complete audio cut-off to switch between Standalone and Serato/VDJ is unacceptable in 2022
  • Reduce price fluctuations (see SC5000 history, or the SC Live 2/4 release). Price reductions are always welcomed, but they should be implemented more smoothly

As for the Denon software:

  • Mostly fine so far, you did great improvements over the last 3 years
  • Try to focus more on the major user requests in the forum
  • Make your Desktop software more powerful (Smart Crates, Relocate…)
  • Always test thoroughly on all devices & scenarios before a release
  • Consider a DJ-/performance-mode to add more flexibility

As for SoundSwitch (extra thread[s] will follow):

  • This is a new area for me, but I already learned a lot
  • Thanks so far to the support (Liam), highly appreciated
  • User interface is quite clunky for large amounts of (sub)fixtures / multicells / pixels
  • Vertical scrolling needs to get improved! Add an option to zoom/in out vertically as well i.e. make the individual fixture tracks smaller, they take up too much vertical space, especially multicell ones
  • When highlighting/selecting an area, the current # of selected beats should be displayed
  • The bottom beat markers should offer an alternative display option with 0…16…32…48…64… rather than 1…17…33…49…65… (which is harder to grasp)
  • Allow fixtures to be rearranged in the track editor (already has been promised)
  • Allow fixture folders within folders (to make grouping and master-chases easier)
  • Allow easier copy-pasting of created patterns into other fixture tracks
  • Allow to create and save custom chases and color palettes effects
  • Move “Display Main track visualizer” from the settings to “View” for faster access
  • Add a more sophisticated visualizer, at least for static RGB fixtures (pars/washes/strobes)
  • More customization in the left library/effect/position area. For example, I will never use moving heads and always have to close the position area. The music track area takes too much space too. I would like to display many more effects and chases at once instead. → Make the sub-areas resizable and remember the settings for each project.
  • Several bugs discovered on day one (can’t rename some fixtures in the arranger window but can do in the DMX matrix view; can’t change multiple colors for LED stripe at once in the static looks menu, main track visualizer window vanishes sometimes…)
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My small wishes:

  • Remember all individual adjustments for the FX- actually the unit’s forget your personal adjustments when you change to another effect- very frustrating

  • Engine Desktop: Smartlists and relocate red Tracks and a sort option for them

  • add “Color” Tag to Engine Desktop and OS- like all other software has


Missed a little one: pls give us a noise effect.

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As a couple of the original FX have apparently been removed in 2.4.0, how about replacing them with something along the lines of the Duck Down effect featured on the DDJ-REV7?

Similar on the new Rane 4 called Scale Down, which can be set to major, minor etc.


I was looking to read actual Xmas wishes but instead it seems like I’m reading Xmas ‘demands’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Happy Holidays everyone. :wink:


The beauty is in the eye of the beholder …

Merry X-Mas folks!

What a GREAT summary.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

A request list is great to drum up discussion about the merit of certain new features. It’s in the feature request area where the rubber meets the road though. If you can find the request here, comment on in and encourage others to vote for the feature: https://community.enginedj.com/c/feature-requests/265

If you don’t see it yet, you can create a new feature request and ask people to vote for it!

More about the process here: New Feature Request Voting Process 2021