Waveform and track overview swapped

Hey guys, is there any way to swap these back? updated to 4.0 and it got swapped. I miss the needle search being at the bottom as that was easier to reach with one hand (stop platter and pick new needle location) Thanks


I asked for the same. Maybe this needs to be an actual feature request.


Not sure if intended, but that title fits your message pretty well :slight_smile: (Sorry for being offtopic. Really love that track!)


I personally don’t like it the way it is. Was much better on 3.4, thumb on jogwheel, middle finger for skipping. Static waveform on top doesn’t have any advantages compared to 3.4!


Yeah, part of a list of issues I have with 4.0.0 that prevent me from using it.

I think that the waveform on the center and the needle search on the bottom would be the perfect position.

I am also not convinced by the blurring that now appears on the left of the waveform, I think that this blurring does not contribute anything, and simply blurs information that can be useful when rewinding a song in vinyl mode