Virtual dj on prime 4, how did that happen?

So, you are another Denon Member. Very good.

Sorry but I don’t see how making a joke about Denon engineers is “attitude”.

Are we not allowed to have a sense of humour here?

So he should put a disclaimer in the post, saying there wasn’t really a DJ and nobody really got killed?


That’s not the point here.

You often post with a bit of sarcasm and that’s fine; it is read by others that way and brings humor.

His posts certainly read differently. To give you some statistics about what other forum members think: you have 4 flags in the last year, he has 25 in the last month.

Humor is great. Irritation is not.


He should not be here if that attitudes is the only attitudes he can give.

And for then posting on All most every post But with no help given it is like :

Empty vessels make the most noise

The Denon dev team are based in New Zealand so I highly doubt you saw a bunch of them partying it up in Italy in recent months.

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He was joking.

You know, humour? Ha ha ha etc?

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Yep, I’m British - sarcasm & humor is thought to be our first language, English the second (though a large percentage fail to grasp the basics of English - cough, Scousers!)

If he was trying to be funny, he failed massively, though judging from his past posts, he was being hyperbolic rather than attempting to be funny.



Scouser here! Less of that!

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i saw you on the beach with some gin tonic, but alone… :))


Does anyone hat the p4 working with the mainscreen? On my controller i only have the jog screens working.

Yes, as you can see from the pictures posted earlier.

What happened though, is that apparently Denon instructed Atomix to remove the screen support until they were ready/happy/whatever, so the mapping got modified. Those who downloaded the modified mapping found their screens had stopped working and didn’t know why.

Atomix staff had to post an explanation for all the confused users.

Ah, ok. On the VDJ Site they had “the Prime 4” Screen as a download. But it won´t show anything on my prime 4

There’s more to it than just the screen skin.

You need to download the mapping too (current version has disabled screen) and there are also some other files that are supposed to auto download when the controller is detected, but don’t always download.

Could it be there is a secret VDJ screen coming on the prime For use to stems with VDJ ? Maybe this mapping and screen VDJ confuse on is because of a stems screen for prime.

Or are VDJ so scared of standalone smart consoles taking away customs that they key stems for them software only ?

The VDJ skin on the P4 can easily reflect what the main software is doing.

For example the stems stuff is available via the deck FX and the pad pages, both of which will work on any VDJ skin (inc Prime 4 screen) - doesn’t need any new XML code.

Apparently Denon will only allow full operation once the mapping becomes native. They don’t want it working with an “addon” mapping. :man_shrugging:


Atomix have updated their Prime 4 screen skin. It now works with the new “shapes” waveforms (for stems) and you can select to show Denon style colours for the waves.

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And Atomix, if they want to have allies, simply had to comply ha

Prime 4 + Virtual DJ, for those interested in this deadly combination:

There is a new skin for Virtual DJ that is mapped to the Prime 4:

Color-coded with the decks and also with STEMS. Really amazing job by Veejay Lizard aka Tomas Cerny who spends his free time working on xml files lol