Tidal price change for DJs from April

This might be an unpopular opinion, but to be honest, compared to the amount of money required to buy vinyl, CD’s and/or downloads (at horrible bitrates) back in the day, I think 20 bucks for that amount of music in losless quality seems more than fair. If the offline locker becomes available, I think it’s a steal.


You have sold it to me now, I’ve been waiting to see what it would be like, the worst that can happen is I cancel the subscription and go back to paying Apple vast amount of cash each week lol I’m staying with Apple as I know they are developing a concept console and if they go ahead it will be a game changer. Thanks Will

Agreed @KrisONeil it’s less than a dollar per day. Five dollars per week.

Certainly back when I was buying vinyl and CDs from my local store, I’d be spending probably 10x that amount.

The problem is that these days, people (especially the younger ones who never bought vinyl & CDs) think that music is free. Services like Spotify are to blame for this IMO, allowing people to access huge catalogues without paying.


I’m going to look now :joy: you seem to know your stuff

On Pioneer gear it certainly makes sense to splurge for lossless, especially if you’re playing out again, making money off it, and need a lot of open format commercial music. Then Tidal perhaps is reasonable. Actually, their commercial music catalog isn’t stellar and is missing a lot compared to BeatSource and Amazon, but I’m not sure everyone would notice. I find myself going to my hard drives pretty frequently when Tidal doesn’t have certain tracks.

Anyway, my ability to differentiate higher-quality lossy from true lossless isn’t that great on Engine OS, even though it’s true that distortion is cumulative and every little improvement helps. Lossless sounds pretty processed to me on the Prime gear compared to other playback methods, and while lossless does seem slightly better, it’s comparatively small. Using software (except Torq 2.0), old Denon, or any Pioneer gear, the difference is more substantial to even my old ears.

The price doesn’t bother me. Cost of doing business. But honestly, I’m done with streaming on Engine devices until we have an off-line locker. Period. It’s literally there currently as a last ditch effort and that’s it.

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Using WiFi at a venue sounds like a nightmare for DJing.

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Hopefully the offline locker appears one day. It was in the original Beatport blurb when they first announced it but sadly never made it into the gear.

I don’t think it was ever promised for any other service though, just Beatport.

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Soundiiz Is pretty good too.


I think Beatport was the only one that offered it at the time (2019) anyway. Now all the integrated services do.

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For these playlist transfer services, do the playlists need to be public?

I don’t think so, no. Most of mine aren’t and I use it a lot.

If it’s a playlist from the provider i.e. Spotify you might find that it’s not shown - but what I do is copy the contents to a new playlist I’ve created first, then transfer.


I just can’t see it coming to Tidal. As much as it would be cool, I just can’t see it happening.

The £30 tier for the 1000 Beatport downloads is a bit steep too but it was something like 50 before?

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Is this a streaming service?

It’s a playlist transfer service so you can login with all your accounts and sync the playlists between other streaming services.


It’s been available via VDJ for some time now, and Tidal have confirmed that it’s part of the new DJ tier. Offline storage and the return of stems (apparently).

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Tonight I have just paid for the Tidal subscription, long time coming for me personally as I buy all my music and it seems I’m being extremely stupid. If i bow make a playlist on Tidal and use this music to stream, then use this service to transfer to my Apple Music, lol then open engine and Apple Music these tunes will be transferred to my internal hardrive? Sorry for asking, you will have noticed I’m new to this side of DJing. Thanks in advance, Will

Soundiiz is a fast tool!

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Unfortunately these services will transfer the playlists and keep them all in sync so if you pay for a few different services like Tidal, Apple Music and Amazon Music then it will keep all the playlists the same. It means that you won’t have to build the same ones in each service.

It won’t do any transfer of files etc. It’s just the playlists.

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Will the playlists remain even after your account is through?