Stems Super Slow Analysis, No Progress Indicator

@Tallon_hughlett From the videos it looks like the stem render download may have failed/ not fully downloaded for some reason. Could you please try the following?

try closing the app and then removing/delete the stem package from the location listed below, and then re-download the stems package.

The file will be called either “stems-processor.tar.zstd” or a folder called “Bin” under the following location:

C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\AIR Music Technology\EnginePrime

You can then relaunch the app and re-download the stems package in the setting or by right-clicking on a track to create stems.

Let me know if it successfully downloads this time around.

If this doesn’t change anything, or if you feel uncomfortable following the steps above, I’d suggest you reach out to customer service: Support | Engine DJ