Stems Super Slow Analysis, No Progress Indicator

this video refers to downloading the ‘stems renderer’ which i assume is an additional piece of software needed on top of Engine desktop.

The plugin should download automatically as soon as stems are enabled in the options.

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Yes my Prime 4+ is registered with in music and there is no extra software download it just doesn’t let me click add I’m on 4.2 all my stuff is registered but it doesn’t let me enable stems and when I tell it to create a stem from a song it just sits there

I’ve completely uninstalled and reinstalled the engine software several times but there doesn’t appear to be any extra downloads anywhere I’ve looked all over the place for a renderer specific download I think it’s just built into 4.2

Correct, a prompt will pop-up. It should download the package in the background. From then on you can simply right click > Create Stems.

I agree about the lack of “better” progress indicator, I had to look twice to confirm that it renders, but it works fine on my 16" M1 Max Macbook. Can’t preview/check it, sadly, but this is a known limitation.

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So how fast is processing on Apple Silicon Macs, then? Still taking ages for the entire collection?

So still no luck

I had my first go at it last night and it was slow, only managed around 20 tracks in about an hour. I got bored and switched it off then went to bed, ill set it running again tonight and see what sort of speed it is working at.

For me it’s not even about speed it literally does not work I’ll leave it sitting literally all night and there’s no advancement at all

It sounds like some kind of localised issue more than a global/system issue, otherwise there would be widespread reports of it happening.

Could it be an access issue for the software? im guessing it has access to your music folders but could permissions need configuring in order for it to write the stems files to wherever they are stored?

Is your music local on the PC itself? or are you on attached storage or a network drive?

Hi @djfuzuli - Ive sent you a dm.

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Your DM assumed my problem is in the installation and not the actual rendering. The issue I’m asking about is if the super slow stem rendering is by design.

Correct - I suggest re-downloading the processor and seeing if it fixes your issue. Did you manage to try this yet? Thanks

Happy to give that a try, but since the issue reproduced on two machines in a row already, I was wondering to double check what your designed performance expectation is? How fast is the stem separation supposed to go for one track, say? Roughly the same as key/beatgrid/BPM analysis? Or 10x, 100x, 1,000x slower? Thanks.

You’ve described the separation as “super slow” and “taking ages”… but you’ve not quantified it.

How long does it take (for e.g. a 5 minute track)? Slow compared to what? Have you pre-prepared stems files in other software to compare?

The process will definitely take longer than BPM/key/grid analysis because it’s more complex and it’s creating/saving separate files.

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Hi folks. 3000 tracks over 24 hours breaks down to roughly a track every half minute. While YMMV, this seems about right, given the complexity of the algorithm. It is at the very least, an order of magnitude more complex than a simple BPM analysis, and computing times reflect that.

Hope that settles things a bit and clears up some expectations.


@Tallon_hughlett From the videos it looks like the stem render download may have failed/ not fully downloaded for some reason. Could you please try the following?

try closing the app and then removing/delete the stem package from the location listed below, and then re-download the stems package.

The file will be called either “stems-processor.tar.zstd” or a folder called “Bin” under the following location:

C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\AIR Music Technology\EnginePrime

You can then relaunch the app and re-download the stems package in the setting or by right-clicking on a track to create stems.

Let me know if it successfully downloads this time around.

If this doesn’t change anything, or if you feel uncomfortable following the steps above, I’d suggest you reach out to customer service: Support | Engine DJ


Thank you MrWilks! This worked for me when tracks weren’t working.

“Have you tried selecting all your files in your library, right-clicking and selecting the reimport tags option? This has allowed others to render stand in the past that they previously couldn’t do.”

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Glad it helped! It’s not always a winner but it’s worked more times than not.

I just realised a typo turned “stems” into “stand”. Oops!

stems, yes! I knew what you meant!