Stems and Playlist creation (with tracks) on linux with wine

Hello. I only want to share my experience creating stems on linux. I have all my tracks on external SSD. My library is on this too. I open Engine Dj software with wine on linux and mount ssd hard drive. I can see my library, playlists etc… then select tracks to process stems. The stems files are then stored on SSD hard drive. Then I conect SSD to Mac Book air only to syncronize to my Prime 4+. All stems are recognized and all is ok. I have no problems with temp files, and I have no problems to render stems. Desktop PC is more capable to do the job than my little Macbook Air. Progress bar shows the process without issues. I hope this can help someone.


Great to hear that this works for you. Perhaps a guide on how to setup Engine DJ with wine could help people get started?

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Working on It.


What version of wine are you using?

Hello. This is how i did it

1 - Know what plattform is in use (Linux version)

Open console and use the next command

cat /etc/os-release

PRETTY_NAME=“Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS” NAME=“Ubuntu” VERSION_ID=“24.04” VERSION=“24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat)” VERSION_CODENAME=noble → THIS IS MY LINUX VERSION (UBUNTU NOBLE) ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL=“” SUPPORT_URL=“” BUG_REPORT_URL=“Bugs : Ubuntu” PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=“Data privacy | Ubuntu” UBUNTU_CODENAME=noble LOGO=ubuntu-logo

2 - Go to Download · Wiki · wine / wine · GitLab and follow the instrucctions

Open console and type the next instrucctions

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings

wget -O - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key -

sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo apt update

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-devel

sudo apt install winetricks → This is a program to configure wine

3 - Check versions of installed wine and wintricks

sudo apt-cache policy winehq-devel


Instalados: 10.0~rc3~noble-1 → VERSION OF WINE

sudo apt-cache policy winetricks

Instalados: 20240105-2

4 - Download EngineDJ 4.2.1 WINDOWS VERSION from official site and save it to any folder in PC.

5 - Open winetricks in console and select the default wineprefix. In this point it will ask to install wine components called GECKO. Accept the installation of these components. Its an automatic process when launch any wine aplication. Only required once.


6 - Select Run an arbitrary executable (.exe/.msi/.msu)


7 - Find EngineDj what you downloaded from official site and select it.


8 - Install it

Screenshot_20241229_101333 Screenshot_20241229_101408

9 - Now we have to create a text file in desktop named like you want but finish with “.sh”


10 - Copy this text inside the file and save it:

#! /bin/bash

wine cmd /c start REG DELETE ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Capture’ /REG:64 /F

wine ‘C:\Program Files\Engine DJ\Engine DJ.exe’

(This resolves the problem of sound card missing when you open EngineDj)

11 - Set running permisions to the file. Second clic with mouse on the file and select propieties. Mark is runnable.


12 - Insert a USB or other media with a Engine Library and mount it. BEFORE OPEN ENGINE


13 - Now, double clic on the file created “”.

14 - Go to settings to add STEMS function





15 - Select any track of your library to create stems



Here you can see the progress bar running correctly in stems creation process


Render finished


Setting cue points and loops work too with no issues.

16 - Finaly, what was wrong.

— I can’t syncronize to external usb. For some reason, It do not recognize usbs to sync to. Still looking for a way to do it.

— Playlist creation and adding tracks to playlist do not work properly. Do not use it to create playlist or add tracks to that playlist. Still looking for a workaround for this.

That’s all. Thanks for your interest. Any suggestions about syncronize problem or playlist problem will be well recived.


When you try to create a playlist, this will be created on database of DRIVE C: so it is not on USB. If you plug this USB in Mac, this playlist do not exist.

The problem si this:


Files section do not recognize USB drive (DJ_ABO)

I’ve found a workaround to solve this.

1 - Create the playlist on drive section like this:


2 - This will create a playlist with the same name in Engine Library secction.

Engine Library

3 - Now, we are going to add a track to this playlist. CLOSE ENGINE DJ

Create a symbolic link in /home/<<your_username>>/.wine/drive_c/ with any name, to /media/<<your_username/<<USB_NAME>>


Now, open Engine DJ and go to files section. Search (C:)/MYUSB/ and find any track and drag it to the playlist in Engine Library secction. NOT on drive secction.

In this point, track is on database C: . Now I’m going to transfer this referal to USB.


DELETE THE SYMBOLIC LINK than created before.


OPEN ENGINE DJ. Now the track is RED.

Select relocated missing file and search the track on USB.

Now the track is on USB database

Close Engine DJ, unplug the USB and insert it on mac. Open Engine Dj on Mac and you will see the Playlist and the track. Now you can synchronize it to standalone device.

Here you can see it on Mac.

Hope this can be usefull to work on linux with Engine DJ.


Foooking lovely man! :blush:

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Nice tutorial, many thanks!

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Really cool, I’m using proton 9 to launch engine DJ, and launching a bat file with the regs.

Steam UI - Destination: cmd.exe

Launch Params: /c C:\engine.bat

BATCH contents:


REG DELETE "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Capture" /REG:64 /F
REG DELETE "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Render" /REG:64 /F
"C:\Program Files\Engine DJ\Engine DJ.exe"

Syncing drives I created a simlynk to my music in this path: $USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/YOURSTEAMID/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Music/MusicDJ pointing to my $USER/Music/MusicDJ

Because the database on Engine Library is a relative path works perfectly when you export your music to another drive.

You can now rsync with your USB DRIVE:

rsync -avLK --delete $USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/STEAM_APPID/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Music/ /media/$USERNAME/YOURDRIVE/

-LK flags to follow simlynks and treat as directories.

--delete to remove files in destination that no more exists in your source (like EngineDJ does).

STEAM_APPID you need to change to your Steam APPID in compatdata and YOURDRIVE to your drive path.


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Hi. Thanks to all…

Can you see USB drives to syncrhronize launching Engine on that enviroment?

I updated my post: Stems and Playlist creation (with tracks) on linux with wine - #8 by D_SKYWALK

Hope it hepls :sunglasses:

Thank you. I Will test as soon i can
