Stands and desks

This looks very solid and it its customizable. Good solution!

Sweet. Have yet to figure out a nice stand (probably DIY) for my Akai Force. This machine is a chonky beast and the non-tilted screen is suboptimal - but a good stand improves the overall ergonomics a lot.

Since I inherited the lab/studio of my deceased father, I have to seriously consider moving my entire stuff into that room, rather than keeping it partly in my small apartment. This will solve my biggest issue with limited space and enable me getting additional shelves, stands and new toys, including turntables and a dedicated mixer next to my Live 4 as portable workhorse.

I’m using this stand for the force at home:

on the road it depends because of the space in the venues.

It does however it is extremely expensive. I’ve taken the guys advise on here and got a couple of kallax units. I’m going to see how they are if I don’t like them I can just use them for vinyl storage.

The kallax with under frame is now reduced to £70 so it was to good to refuse.

I’ll be posting some pics of my set up when it’s complete.

Anyone in the Southampton area and need a cheap pair of these stands, there’s two in the Circular Hub (IKEA).


Moin @MrWilks,

yeah, I think, these stands are a good solution for DJs on the go. If you can’t transport the working platform, try to catch a door at the venue (phps. from the cellar, office, kitchen and so on, but not an emergency fire door) :innocent:

Enjoy your vacation ashore

Brgds BeatMaster

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Good price aren’t they, I ended up ordering 2 Kallax’s with the underframe. Should have ordered many months ago. They are coming Tuesday will post my set up when it’s up and together :wink:

The structure is more stable with 3 of them bad boys.

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I have this combo. The metal frame is great. I also have the casters on another one but they aren’t available anymore.

As promised here is my set up. I fixed the two Kallax units together using commando strips. It’s made the units much more stable.

The smaller one is a tiny bit taller than the larger unit. I offset it by raising the turntable legs, while using a spirt level. Overall very happy guys, should have taken your initial advice. But glad I waited as they only cost me 114 for the pair, thanks to Ikea’s new prices.

I could get used to this DIY business,

Cheers guys!


Just thought I’d add,

I’m ordering up some cable management covers and lighting.


I went over-the-top with LED DMX just for fun to learn SounSwitch during the 2020 lockdown.

I dropped some LED tape vertically down the front and got a DMX to LED tape driver and programmed away.

I don’t use it now as it was just to learn. I still have the tape battens though but not used. I just use Philips Hue Play Bars.

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Crazy good lightning isn’t it! I’ve added the Death Star led light to my set up. It’s pretty bright. The people of Alderaan could see it coming.