Soundswitch rescan collection after add new fixture

I am completely with you. Most of the times, i rearrange my LED strips, i add a new fixture or change the behavior (if it is my main spot, secondoray and so on). I have to scan everything again. At least for now i don´t found anything to change that.

I mean honestly if you have prepared your set, than you dont have to do all tracks. But sometimes i freestyle and search in all my old songs, therefore i scan everything.

One thing that improves the performance of SS. Select the venue you want to create the light show (Tabs with the shows), than use the script function and select only this venue. Otherwise it would need to create for all venues the light show. I have 4-5 venues with a couple of lights (around 20 or more) if i create the lightshow for all of them, SS crashes or takes very very long.