Soundswitch lighting do not work while listening streamed music from bluethooth

Hi all. I am testing bluetooth new option on my prime 4+. Sound is ok, and vumeters show levels correctly. But no light movements or flashing in lights. I only have a pair of moving heads. When i play tracks with or whihout SoundCloud process all ok.

My question IS if this is correct and no reading fader volume when streamed music is played from bluetooth connection.

Thanks. P.d: Sorry if my english IS not good enough

My guess is that SS doesn’t work because there’s no beat grid to follow. Same would apply if you connected a turntable and played vinyl.

Ok. Thanks you very much

It would be good if Engine had an option to analyse incoming audio and create a beatgrid/clock from it. If that’s not been requested yet, it might be worth a try.

May be SS could play Autoloops stored at the begining of the tracks. This way no Sync with music but the lights still working

The autoloops option would be great but combine it with adding a BPM tapper on top of this allowing us to tap out the BPM for an external source.

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I have lunched a feature request with this option.

Thanks to everybody helping me.

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Look here, I solved it like this

Thank you. I’ll try the automatic mode (microphone sound detect in lights) assigned to a static configuration button.

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