I seen a pair in my region for about 200€ including mixer some time ago…
Maybe You will have luck there as well
I saw one for $100 here but it disappeared. I’m expecting to see a lot more going up for sale since Serato and inmusic eol the whole series. The ns73 will be retired soon also.
No way, i just got my second deck this weekend. I flew it from Hollywood to Chicago on my trip back and this morning after setting them up i thought I was tripping. The motor slows the track down by 2.61% I thought it was due to be loosening the disc for easier scratching but after tightening then turn ing the motor off A/B’ing the tone its crazy noticeable. I have two decks and it only happens to my second one. WACK! Maybe i need to store them in their cases over night but yo this should not be happening. Gonna email Denon for sure. They can have the slow motor.
Denon ever get back to you? I just emailed them
Never heard anything. I didn’t contact them though email though.
The issue is mechanical. The spindle and the motor are supposed to have very little friction between them. There was a video where someone took apart a Rane twelve with this issue and applied lubricant to the bottom of the motor between the midi discs and it fixed the friction and fixed the slow down issue.
The reason why temperature affects this is because cold contracts and heat expands.
If the spindle is not lubricated properly and are in colder temps the metals will contract slightly causing even more friction.
Once the temperature warms up the metals expand and in turn reduce friction.
This is what is happening.
Hello, I am new here, I have a technical service of pro audio in Spain, and a client brought me to repair a sc5000m with the same symptoms that are described above, after reviewing many hours the device, I have found the fault and in my case it is not mechanical but electric, the engine module must reach 28vdc and in this unit only 19VDC arrived this makes the motor have less force and turn slower, the problem was in a DC/DC converter that increases the voltage of 19VDC of the power supply up to 28VDc of the motor, once repaired this simple failure the device works well 100% Greetings! Sorry for my english
Well, a power supply section, either sub-standard caps or the aforementioned DC-to-DC converter, would definitely explain something like this, as these issues can indeed temporarilly go away after the PS section’s spent enough time charging up that the voltage sags are no longer occurring. Lousy caps can cause a bunch of other issues, too, so the DC-to-DC just not bringing the voltage up enough is way more specific to the issue that’s been described and makes sense for this case.
20 years later and InMusic is still having power supply issues on their standalone players. Deja Vu the Numark Axis 8s.
My immediate questions:
Are these just a bad batch of recent DC-to-DC converters or all SC5000Ms affected?
Regardless of the first question, does it only affect certain nations’ voltages?
Tentatively, it looks like there’s a couple people above in 120V countries, and at least one person with one unit that’s having this problem and another unit that’s not.
Has anyone who has the issue now definitely never had issues until just recently, or has everyone afflicted had this issue they think from the beginning and perhaps just didn’t notice it early on?
I can’t help but wonder if the voltage step up issue might have been the root cause for the early M motor speed up bug that they later put in some software mitigation for the motor controller.
Neither of my Ms do this during the first 10 minutes of operation, so considering that, a few of the above 120 volt people, and the guy with one unit doing it and his other not, I’m leaning towards some people are getting substandard DC-to-DC converters and/or they’re eventually going bad, and that this might affect all standard input voltages. I should also note that I was an early adopter of the Ms. So maybe it’s just certain production lots affected. I did take a year off from using them and perhaps didn’t use them as much as other people did even before that, so perhaps mine just haven’t been worn as much.
Interestingly, everyone with the issue that’s posted pics or videos, which now includes two other threads, seem to have their gear right up against each other. I can’t help but wonder if the failing DC-to-DC voltage step up converters that are causing this might be cooking from poor ventilation. Anyone with the issue now always ensured some significant space around their Ms on all sides like I do?
Hi Guys. Just having the same issues with my 5000m’s. In in Australia we are 240 v here. Just heading into winter and the inside temp is much colder than during the warmer months. WIll run the decks for a while to see if it changes anything. My decks have plenty of air circulation between them and the 1850 mixer. At least im not alone with this issue. Funny thing is i dont recall having this issue last year. Thanks
See the two above links.
I have tested and found that the players operate as normal after about 20 mins of use. Sounds like the colder temps have something to do with friction in the motor somewhere. Not ideal but at least they are still usable.