Saltos de ondas en Sc live 4

Hola, utilizando Sc live4 3.3.0 con windows 10 en Asus i7 16gb i ssd 512gb. Al cargar una pista en cualquier deck en la pantalla de sc live4 empiezan a haber saltos en las formas de onda. Durante unos 5 -7 segundos es imposible trabajar en la pantalla, hay que hacer las funciones en el pc. A alguien mas le ocurre?

Have Virtual DJ confirmed compatibility with this version of Engine OS? what happens when you roll back to an older version?

Versions are not mentioned at VDJ or?

Might it be a driver issue?!


As a fairly advanced user of virtual DJ (I’ve had the licence since version 1.0 on the day it was launched in 2003), I can give you some food for thought about the problem you’re experiencing.

The first thing to know is that when you use Virtual DJ you swap your SC Live into a computer mode and you don’t really run on EngineOS any more. It’s just a mode where your SC Live actually becomes an HID controller, acts like one and just sends and receives information with Virtual DJ. Although I could be wrong and barring any particular bug inherent in version 3.3.0 I don’t think the problem you’re experiencing is specific to or dependent on EngineOS or its latest version.

The best test is to go back to version 3.2.0 of EngineOS and see if your problems have disappeared. If this is the case it means that there is a problem with the latest version of EngineOS, if this is not the case it means that the problem lies elsewhere than in EngineOS.

You indicate that you are experiencing flicker / lags / freez in the scrolling of the waveform. This may be due to a number of factors on your computer.

  • limited bandwidth on the USB ports: Check that your SClive 4 is connected to a USB 3.0 port, 2.0 ports have a lower bandwidth which often causes slowdowns or jerks in the waveform in Virtual DJ, especially when you are in “large waveform” display mode with the shortcuts hidden/deactivated. Make sure you’re using the original USB cable from your SC Live or at least a 3.0-certified USB cable.

  • Check the power management settings in Windows. It is recommended that you use an Optimal Performance/High Performance power setting, as power management in energy-saving mode can reduce the bandwidth in the USB ports.

You can follow this guide to optimise the performance of your configuration:

  • Do you use stems? if yes in what mode? Fast or quality? You don’t give the detailed specs of your laptop’s GPU, and we don’t know if it’s a dedicated GPU or not. If you use stems in quality mode (stems 2.0), be aware that this algorithm requires a lot of resources and computing power. And can bring a lot of average configuration to its knees if it is too limited during the stem calculation phase. Your machine is so busy calculating stems at this time that your processor can no longer send the information smoothly to the SC Live or any other Denon equipment. Which results in jerks of the display in the waveform. Be aware that you need a dedicated solid GPU to run Virtual DJ in stems 2.0 mode

The best test to do to see if the problem comes from a performance limitation on your computer is to deactivate the stems in the virtual DJ settings.

If suddenly you see that the display is no longer jerky you will know that the problem does not come from SC Live but from a performance limitation on your computer when stems is used. And you will have to make a choice, either disable the stems or use them in Fast mode, or consider a more efficient computer with dedicated GPU to use the stems in quality mode.

You can also get closer to the virtual DJ community on their forum in the technical support section.

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I just didn’t know if any changes to Engjne OS might have an adverse impact on how VDJ works with the machine, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility is it?

I certainly wouldn’t rule it out, but then there’d be more topics about it, I think.

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yeah agreed Reese, im more inclined to think its something wrong with the connection if there are lagging issues. i guess the only other thing to consider, are there many people using an SC-Live 4 as a controller for VDJ or is it quite a niche use?

@jordi_caudet Post in English please!

Does this only happen when using VirtualDJ, or do you also see this behavior when using your SC Live 4 standalone?

If it’s only with VDJ, do you have stem separation enabled?

The refresh rate of the Denon screens is quite low, certainly when used over USB (as reported by Atomix themselves) so that may also infuence things.


Don’t know. For me it is. :wink:

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I know from experience that the lags/freez on the screens of external DJ equipment depends enormously on the configuration of the computer used.

I have an old laptop from 2012 on which I tested VDJ, Intel Core i7-2670QM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 2GB dedicated DDR3 and of course USB 2.0 and on my SC6000M the waveform scrolling jerks like hell especially when I use the stacked waveform mode or the big waveform mode of the skin. We must be at something like 20 FPS maximum… Even a CDJ 2000nxs seems smoother than that.

On the other hand, on another configuration equipped with an I7 4790k + GTX 1080 8 GB + 32 GB Ram on USB 3.0 ports, scrolling is fluid at least in the 50 fps range whatever the waveform mode selected in the screen skin, including stacked or big waveform mode.

What’s more, the smaller the waveform, the less resources and bandwidth it consumes, and the smoother it scrolls.

@Reese @STU-C

I don’t think it’s such a small niche, a lot of users are using standalone Denon DJs gear with VDJ because of the excellent quality of the stems and the possibilities offered which are quite simply impossible to do on EngineOS at the moment. Once you’ve tasted the possibilities offered by stems and found a good workflow for using them, it’s very difficult to go back to traditional mixing without stems afterwards. It’s a bit like going from an SC6000 to a CDJ 2000. You think: I’d love to be able to do that now but I don’t have the function… Especially as the integration with Denon equipment is absolutely perfect.

And VDJ is ultra flexible and customisable, you can fine-tune everything to your preferences You can map each function so that it behaves exactly as you would like it to…

I’m not even talking about the technical support, which is super-responsive…

For the record, last time I left a message on their forum saying:

'hey guys do you know if there is the possibility of quantizing the slip reverse/dumb, in such a way that it is automatically quantified on the nearest beat or 1/2 beat when I press the corresponding button on my LC6000. It’s an effect that I use a lot to create a reverse effect just before a drop in my house mixes and it’s sometimes quite tricky to trigger it at the right time."

And maybe 2 weeks later Virtual DJ updates and I see in the information changelog:

Dumb/Slip Reverse is now quantize when Quantize_all is active in the settings

We might as well tell you that at Denon it would have been necessary to go through a functionality request with an endless voting system where the functionality would never have seen the light of day because you may be the only one to use this function.

At VDJ they simply found the idea cool and if they can quickly integrate it into the next releases because it’s an easy addition that doesn’t require too much work, they do it.

With all respect I have for the Denon Dj development team, they should take inspiration from this.

but simply the only thing that makes me enjoy mixing on VDJ more than on EngineOS is the stems.

The day Engine OS has everything I can do on VDJ I will stay 100% on EngineOS

I should have said “for me personally” as I don’t use or have both (software and unit).

I did test run VDJ on an SC6000 and it was smooth, but can’t remember which versions.