**Repairing Prime 4 DIY** NEED HELP LOL

Hello my friend, I remember this place to get parts, they should have the part you looking.

They send fast and they offer secure check out process.



From a crackhead :rofl::rofl: hope you get it working. Check The prime for hidden stash however :wink:. There might be some treets inside.

They’re out of the one thing I needed! lol The View button. Mine has decided to stay depressed. Poor thing. Great resource though!

Get in touch with inmusic and they will let you know what’s in stock. They will be cheaper than music instrument parts. that board for the usb is about $350, the usb is a USB 3.0 9 pin right angle and cost about $1.50. So you can get the whole board or save yourself $325 and do it yourself.


Same thing happened to mine. Heard it happens pretty easy if you’re not careful.

Oh no. Yeah it finally just caved in. Oh well : /

That View button is so poorly engineered. Such a central and crucial button, which has to toggle between library and performance (press), different waveforms (shift + pres), main menu (long press) and engine lighting (double press). Yet it is constructed so tiny and flimsy. Much better solved on the Live 2 and 4 with bigger and separate buttons for view/menu/lighting. But Prime 4+ still the old issue, same for the soldered linefaders and mediocre play/pause buttons. Why, Denon?

I hope you manage to repair it without ridiculous effords and costs, fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:


Does anyone have a detailed instructions for disassembly? I’m going to attempt a repair on my Channel Fader. Will take my own notes as I go but would be good to get an idea of what I’m getting myself in for first.

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Not sure if you found one but found another resource for the view button here from a French site.

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The primes are very modern and very compact designs. Not like the old 80s and 90s hifi and disco gear where you open up one top panel and inside is one circuit board with everything on it

I really really wouldn’t recommend it. Miss one insulating spacer between two live boards and you could cause hundreds of bucks worth of damage which changing 20 bucks worth of fader.

Whether you open it yourself or get an authorised service centre to do it, it might be cost effective (long term) to get all the channel faders changed while the unit is open for this fader swap. It’ll save hours of opening the prime each time you get through another fader, and another and another.

https://store.sonatek-group.fr/sav-denon/41221-ref-PT1110619529.html?search_query=PT1110619529&results=1 four in stock !

I don’t plan on missing any insulating spacers, slow and steady wins the race in this case. I’m not old enough to to have had to fix any of the 80’s or 90’s HiFi systems but I have repaired numerous modern products that are very fiddly. You are probably right on the replacing more than one fader at a time though, will see how I get on with the one though. Possibly buy a Mixer Assembly as mentioned if the soldering part is an issue.

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Don’t suppose you’ve got any videos of taking the P4 apart? One of my mic buttons has dropped into the case, this should be a simple job of opening it up and gluing it back into place? Thanks Phil

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For anyone who was interested, I successfully replaced my channel fader. £12.99 for the part, 3-4 hours repair time with no previous experience. Was actually easier than I expected, need to take your time and make sure you work in a way that makes sense for putting it all back together. I had a video on most time but never needed to use it for re-assembly.

Can clearly see why original channel fader came away, not enough solder used on the two middle legs that help hold it in place. That may put to bed why some users never have any issues and other users do… not sure if these are being done by hand but there appears to be some inconsistency because the others looked fine.

Will post pictures as soon as I get the chance to help others attempt their own repairs. Feel confident I could replace just about anything in there if I knew what needed replacing and could source the parts.


Great!!! Good job!!! Please post pics of dissasembly steps as many maybe need them.

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@Deekay01 well done getting it repaired.

As @dj_chris says, if you happened to take pictures you should consider making them available to help other users who may experience the same issues in the future. :+1:


Please see my newly created post detailing how to repair the Channel Fader on Denon Prime 4 - Denon Prime 4 - Channel Fader Replacement - How To


Do you have a order number for the fader or a brand? Where to order mine is not good and want to replace it

This is an inspiring thread! One of my FX Sweep knobs has been iffy for a long time (faulty pot I believe) and I might dig out my old soldering iron and give the DIY fix a go. Anyone know what part I need to order for that?

Regarding the channel faders - while I’m in there - are there any compatible faders that are a bit smoother? The stock ones, in my opinion, aren’t wonderful. (I’d ideally like something a bit closer to the nice feel of the crossfader.)