Itunes still sells.
I also use CrateQ. Its an app by the guys behind Smashvision/VJ-Pro.
Itunes still sells.
I also use CrateQ. Its an app by the guys behind Smashvision/VJ-Pro.
Yup still buy a ton of those from iTunes myself. Record pools don’t have it all. Plus I like helping artists I like keep doing what they’re doing but that’s another story entirely!
Hey @mufasa - I had a very similar experience. I collected 70 tracks as a test set in Rekordbox (all correct (and whole number) BPMs, gridded correctly, and with hot cues.)
Next I did an import from Rekordbox (following the steps in the new video “How To: Convert Rekordbox to Engine PRIME”). Wham! Almost every track was wrong in some systematic way (BPMs, gridding, etc.). I really am not sure what happened next (rage blackout?) but I probably attempted any variation I could think of for making lists/crates, dragging back and forth (within EP) from Collection, RB, and the USB. At some point, almost all my tracks magically became ‘corrected’ (BPM and hotcues from rekordbox, even the names I’d assigned some hot cues as a test). I wish I knew what I did. Going to exclude a few variables next time and give it another shot later. Will update. Any luck with yours?
Could you please try to find out
Having the same issue - it wont import my RB hotcues
Hot cues, loops and labels transfer over with no issue when I use the Serato refresh.
Even at first glance the tracks contain the correct BPM.
It’s when you analyse the tracks that things go loko
Unfortunately the analysis step is unavoidable in Engine Prime.
Yes yes yes a million times yes!
The firmware update released this week did not tackle that issue, but fixed many others. We hear your concerns about Engine PRIME and the ‘wrong BPM’ issue, and we are continuously working on fixing this in a future update.
I’m confused by your statement. Are you saying on importing from other software EP must re-analyze? Can’t you just turn analysis Off or is that a required step to this special form of import?
All tracks gets analysed either in the library player or on the SC5000M
Irrespective if you have auto analyses on or off.
Auto analyses off means it wont analyse your entire library nor when you just do a fresh import.
The moment you load the new track or tracks into a deck (offline or hardware) it gets analysed for BPM, Key and Beatgrid.
Thanks for acknowledging this.
I’m a bit disappointed that it didn’t make it into the major update. Just saying.
Yeah I know the players will analyze them, but there’s a limit to how many tracks can be analyzed on a drive. So if you have a big drive you ought to go into EP’s settings and disable analysis on import. I realize you are complaining about the accuracy of the Denon Prime analysis and difficulty manually fine-tuning it, but you sounded like that Analysis OFF wasn’t an option with importing Serato or RB libraries. I don’t import from them, though, so I thought maybe that was a limitation.
Yup. This is it.
I have corrected the bpm (with the own engine prime) of a track that engine detects badly despite the fact that the value changes when I export it for my mcx8000 and I put the usb in this I keep coming out the value badly detected by engine, how can I solve this
Exporting the track in MCX8000 mode doesn’t overwrite the current data, you need to delete the .DDMEMO file for that track (I think that was the name of the extension, if not it’s similar)
I wish there was a way to have Engine Prime just use the BPM and Key Info that is written to the current tag on the file, but analyze everything else. Both Rekordbox and Traktor give this option.
As a user of Mixed in Key, I find myself correct Engine Prime about 1 out of every 6 tunes on both Key and BPM (Including those that I produce and thoroughly know the key of :-p).
1 out of every 6? really? What type of music in your experience?
I am with you and had the same wish but my experience was 1 out of 20 was wrong…
Hiphop, R&B and grime are the worst for me - I’d say it’s closer to 50% of tracks I’ve had to manually correct.
agree with those as they are a very small part of my collection.
And what about Old School Disco? A nightmare! I only play this kind of music, since I started my business there, and with the fixed beatgrid I play as I were playing on the 1200 long time ago… by ear of course… The beat is all over the place but in beat so the fixed grid is useless… That is why I asked for the basics in one of my post…
To be completely fair, old school disco isn’t analysed correctly on any software I’ve tried because they use real drummers, who can’t count to 4 properly)
Yes! That is why you need a dynamic grid that follow the drummer moods… In some software this is possible and you can see while the track is playing that the BPM is changing…with the grid. This is much realistic than having a fixed grid that start at 120 and end at 120 while the beat is at 119 or 122… The grid is out of beat! So everything related to the grid is also out of sync.