It still analyzes the files badly. No song grid.
There’s always been a grid created
That’s at least 52 , yes I count fifty two additional features added in firmwares and software - that’s nothing short of amazing !
I am looking forward to trying each of those out soon at home. I won’t try new features out at bookings -as that is not the fair to the people at the booking.
Amazing work to those who had involvement on the firmware and software .
I’m not saying that they didnt do a good job - not at all.
And I love the Key adjust and that we now can create playlists/ folders. And a future update to the Key adjust could be that when you activate the Key feature, you get 8 buttons on screen - to work as a toneplay feature… Just an idea.
That said… There are several features / improvements people has been asking for since the Day these machines came on market, that yet another time, didnt get any attention.
Things that actually would improve these machines way more than the Key adjust. (for one: Flexible beatgrid, now that EP are having a hard time analyzing some tracks) And the fact that the star rating on-the-fly or even commenting still isnt available, is groundshaking… (IMO)
I still love my machines, but taking the long wait into consideration and the promissing words from Paul, yes I am a bit dissapointed.
And from what I can tell, I’m not the only one. I just speak my mind.
And I dont expect you to agree with me _ you seem to not wanting to agree with people that have higher hopes for the updates (pace and content)
Its fine by me - we cant all be on the same side
But I’m still a huge advocate for the Prime eco-system and I have no intention being ungratefull. The dev-team has worked hard…
Every one person will have their preference and they are sure to say that the feature that they wanted is desired by 100 interviewed DJs and that the features that they want are better than the 52 that got added. There were more than 52 things asked for so unless the update had had several hundred new or change things , someone , somewhere would say what your are saying.
If denon has said this was the last ever update on prime 5000 and prime 1800 then you might had a point but denon have said future updates are still to come.
You forgot
Its not that I want MY preferences (or MY ‘issues’) fixed, but I just saw a bunch of more important improvements coming than a Key adjust.
And some of the fifty two added features were asked for from “day one” too.
Which fifty two were more import than any other fifty two will shuffle and change between person and person
Any addition is welcome yay
I just hope that they will pick up the pace regarding the improvements, so people wont have to wait for half or full years.
Asking VDJ to implement a thing, 3 days later its there. (I know its a software, and therefor not the exact same thing, and I’m not asking for updates every 3rd day)
52 new features? Well I lost my count at three, maybe… The BASICS! The firmware update should start from the basic features needed to have a good environment experience and the best DJ set each time… This means, better file analysis, better search power (which now we have!), better way to move inside the track (LOOPS, CUE…) and much more. These, according to me, are the BASICS. I came from the XDJ1000 which is NOT the CDJ2000 or NXS, but has all the BASICS, for shure! I’m happy to be a step (well a lot of step) forward now with the SC5000 but I still look at those basic features that now I’m almost missing… Regards
I am super happy with the new update on the sc5000’s. Only thing missing now is being able to set star ranking directly on the players.
I am also pleased with this significant iterative improvement and can imagine more welcome changes on the horizon. Most importantly, I feel that the fear and apprehension of using these with an accompanying “I don’t know what to expect” is gone. Their performance is becoming predictable and professional. It also doesn’t hurt that in some respects, though not yet in all, they are becoming a kind of new bench mark.
Hello - Does this mean we can finally keyword search the comments field of tracks, one of the most important search features of all?
Yes you can.
Comments, genre, label, album, a plethora. I’m so happy right now!
And there’s more evidence of diversity and variety. Us DJs are humans (well a high in the 90 percent zone, at least )
What one person, or ten, or a thousand people call “the basics” is called by another person, or ten or a thousand as “Advanced”, “intermediate”, “used once in a blue moon” or (worst case) “would never need that”.
Some DJs have said that they (almost) can’t DJ unless the comments tag is searchable, others have said they don’t like the players because they show a BPm readout on the screen, others have said they can’t DJ in these until the phase meter is changed, others have said they want the phase meter removed and more track info displayed. Others have asked for a way to switch the display off (or did I dream that?). Some wanted bigger waveforms, some wanted different colored waveforms, others have said they want no waveform and more tracks from their library showing.
Some have said the loops are great, others have said they are holding off buying these because the loops work differently to how some other player or software works. Some want the track names to change Color, others don’t want the track names on the 5000 screen at all, some want to connect Engine Prime laptops to their stand alone decks and push songs out to each deck never searching on the touch screen at all, others want the 5000 more stand alone to the point that no laptop is ever connected to the decks.
Other makers would “solve” these differents by selling a dozen different models giving us that headache of selling old model, part exchanging, adding new money and buying new models. Denon though have just given us what equals more than one free function or improvement per week as an average (53 features in 52 weeks) roughly. Without us having to sell anything or buy anything.
We’re all different, our needs are different, our wants are different, our opinions on what is essential and what is “filler” is different.
I see that difference as a major benefit.
I also feel like my wallet has just said…
One person said all these…
Thats a great post btw.
Denon DJ should not just think because they released an update containing “52 features” in one update that folks are going to keep quiet. We waited almost a year for this lol.
I still think the better BPM analyses falls under basics btw. (just my own opinion)
All the bells and whistles e.g looping, beatjump, soundswitch, resolume, sorting by bpm, beat fx etc only works correctly with accurate BPM.
- Play Music
- Stop Music
- Reproduce the recorded material as best (no high/low end roll off)
- Play the recorded material at various speeds to enable beat matching
- Calculate the right BPM
And there’s the diversity of one persons opinion launching like a rocket
Which is just another example of different people having different, and in some cases, completely opposite idea directions and viewpoints.
I do understand everyone has to request whats important to them. Thats why i used “I” in the earlier comment.
This is my library. I just exported one or two crates and analysed on EP 1.3.1
more than 60% of the songs in that screen shot have wrong bpm.
Where in the world do you even buy M4A’s from anymore?