Prime 4+ - No audio coming out after update

Hey gang, I just switched over to a Prime 4+ and unboxed it for the first time, installed the update over WIFI as I booted up and turned my desktop recording speakers on and NOTHING…No sound. I’m not getting any sound out of either the balanced and unbalanced outputs and my levels don’t even signify any sound coming through the mixer portion. Anyone else having this issue and how do I resolve this? I feel after finally switching controllers I feel this looks bad out the gates. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Hey there, can you upload a picture of the unit while something is playing? Just for some simple troubleshooting :blush:

Moin @Danger_Havok,

any relation to this?

Godd luck and enjoy the day, brgds


I found out the issue…The whole software was corrupt. It was also doing a variety of other bizarre things intermittently…No audio signal to headphones, randomly no waveforms when attempting to display music…I returned it and swapped out for another model. I unfortunately had a defective model.

Reinstalling the firmware by connecting your Prime 4+ to a PC and using the USB update tool will likely fix this. It can be downloaded here: Desktop and OS Downloads + Manuals | Engine DJ

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@Danger_Havok Glad to hear you’re up and running. Did you reach out to document with support?