Open Source Sync Tool for macOS Ventura

HI, there might be some sort of warning in the security settings of macOS (or you need to enable running apps from unidentified (more like not paying) developers).

No mate, i know what you mean but after i unzipped your files i have engineSync but no extension is attached to it, it open this as a document

Edit: @lerk am i missing anything? In my computer this file is not an executable

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Oh I might have zipped it wrong :frowning:

You can try running “chmod +x /path/to/executable” to make it executable, I’ll repackage the release later today.

At first sight your tool worked very well, but i’ll do a much deeper test before Friday.

You literally saved my Friday night!

Thank you! <3


Denon has officially released v2.4.0 which is compatible with macOS Ventura and Apple Silicon:

EngineSync will enter an unsupported/legacy state until the next macOS release breaks Engine again.

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