New LC6000 set up

Probably Windows11:


Tracks loaded.

Click on the cog icon top right and over to @Wyley1 . For setup details

Settings icon?

Yes settings icon…

Is this on windows or mac

OK done that :+1:

Windows … Which version

Windows version 11

BINGO… see post from @Reese

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It only took 6 questions about the operating system :wink:

@Markb923, to ease your pain, I’ve grabbed the LC6000 and connected it to my computer together with an X1850. I can only get Serato 2.5.9 to crash and not working…


I’ve got everything going via USB powered hub into the laptop

@Markb923 k looks like your options now are limited to.

  1. Wait for it to become supported ( god knows how long)

2 roll back your operating system to windows 10. Or use a different laptop.

3 use vdj for now until serato support comes in.

I’ll go back to 10 and give that a go

Different/Better USB2 cable solved my issue. I have it running on Windows11 with X1850 (supported mixer) and the LC.

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K thats an option if you can do it. @Reese @Wyley1 it is supported by win 10 isnt it??

I checked Serato website and its windows 11 compatible. Maybe not A&H?

As per @Reese


That’s cosmic :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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I think so yes.

You just need a device that’s designated as Serato hardware AND use an approved Windows/Mac version.

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Would this issue still prevent no play on the LC?