Memory Cues / Visual Markers Feature Request

Well said Scoox. I would also really like it if there were markers in colors to indicate points eg yellow for vocal start, red for start instrumental break. green for whatever. Does Pioneer have such a system? That’s good for them. But I have a Denon Prime 4 and I want that too.


Well, I gather the “industry standard” comment is aimed at me. Because I said …

So @yeltsin perhaps you’d like to explain to me how that statement is both untrue and or falsities as you so put it. Because I think you’ll find it’s not, it’s a fact.

I’m not saying that you don’t have a point with the “impossible to use” or “useless” statement, but you certainly don’t with what I said.

You must be blind then because several times in this thread and many other threads this often comes up and is requested and inquired about. It’s clearly needed/wanted by many.

It wasn’t aimed at you at all, touchy. Try reading the whole post instead of taking out parts of it to suit your agenda, if you had, you would have read what I’d put, which has also been explained, many times on this thread, about how hot cues can do EXACTLY what memory cues do.

See how you proved my opening statement there?

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You are wrong, pal.

I read everything you wrote and as I’m the only one who said the “industry standard” comment, its clear it was aimed at me. And it seems you are the one being touchy and avoided the question, not me…

And the reason why you are wrong is that a HOT CUE and a Memory Cue are two completely different things and using a HOT CUE as a Memory Cue is a work-around that is not ideal, which has been explained in other threads many times.

Right - what does a memory cue do? It holds a placeholder so you can see sections within a song. Denon hot cue does this, and can even be named.

What does Pioneer hot cue do, creates a jump to point in a song, Denon hot cue also does that.

See, both parts covered off :wink:

The only reason it’s relevant to Pioneer is they don’t have enough parts to be able to do both in one bank.

And it was you, I actually was pointing out the reason arguments like this never get anywhere is no one listenes, which once again you’ve proven…

Edit - and mate, I’ve been on here nearly 4 years, every ****er throws industry standard out when they want to “win” their argument.

I suggest you go do more research and read other threads. As you’re getting touchy again …

Here are just a few helpful quotes to help you …

Here is the second issue not having memory cue’s creates …

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Are you truly that facetious that you are suggesting that the act of assigning to a button makes it different?

The only reason a memory cue doesn’t assign to one, is they don’t have enough of them on a Pioneer, so they figured out a cheap work around. Watch them disappear now with the 3000s…

Again, proving my point:-

“It’s not just that people on here are hostile, it’s that those requesting features generally are too.”

Stop proving me right, every time you argue, you further validate that post. It’s fine that you don’t see it, I don’t truly care, I’m sure you don’t care that I think hot cues can do what memory cues can do. My point was the use of the language around requests, and that no one ever gets anywhere with it!!!

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You’ve proven nothing other than the fact you are ignorant and dismissing the fact you are wrong.

I’d love to agree with your ignorant case, but not being a CDJ owner, I’ve researched (the exact opposite of ignorance actually) and have drawn that conclusion. I’m yet to see anyone, anywhere, who has shown me anything otherwise. I welcome your detailed explanation (not simply a pointing to someone else’s)…

Now, if what you actually mean is “I’ve got a s*** load of memory cues saved from being an ex/current/future Pioneer user, and I’d like them converting over in some way so I can use them on Denons”, I’m happy to support that. Each to their own and all that.

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You can actually watch the hot cue coming if you zoom out, as I’ve already stated, but I’ll concede that, and can understand why some would want that. Denon should have an option which can be toggled on and off to use the bar counters to cues/loops etc

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Case closed, imho you’re just ignorant pal and clearly won’t admit you’re wrong and have got all touchy.

It’s cool though if you want to live in a world where HOT CUE and Mem Cue’s are the same and ignore all the facts and or others stating why they’re not then that’s your choice.

Happy Sunday guys

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I’m still awaiting 1 actual fact from you. Please do enlighten instead of spouting rhetoric. It’s not hard. Here, I’ll show you how:-

Currently Denon’s loops don’t allow arming. In all other softwares and Pioneers, this seems to be a pretty standard function, and by arming in advance, it means I’m not sat waiting for the loop to arrive, which if that is at exactly the same point as a mix, or within a bar, can make it hard to get everything on point.

See how easy that is when you have justified argument, instead of resorting to infantile quote extraction and name calling?

Now, back to the discussion, and avoid taking it back down to school yard level, please explain how memory cues will benefit the lives of Denon DJs?

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To go to cue point without triggering play using the left and right parameter buttons, i will like that.

  • I still want my HOTCUES in trigger enabled mode.

Maybe i should just change my hot-cues settings to gated mode.

I have the motorized units and its a 2 hand job to park a CUE Point at the 12 o clock vinyl marker point.

  • Paused Deck with vinyl marker at 12oclock, Press HOT CUE , Hold Platter with other hand, then Press Pause,


  • Paused Deck with vinyl marker at 12 o clock - then toggle to desired CUE Point with L-R parameter

Well, I’m sold on Pioneer based on this feature alone. I say this because I’m used to being able to align the drops of two tracks well in advance, which in VDJ is easy because it lets you zoom way out. While AFAIKA only VDJ lets you zoom out far enough to be able to do this, still seeing less but having the countdown probably can get me the same result.

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That would be a function, to be able to individually set that and each hot cue. Personally don’t go in for tone play, but can see how some would want the two options.

For me it’s hard to understand why people want Denon to work exactly like Pioneer - would be a Denon badged Pio CDJ, no?

For me Denon Looping workflow/implementation is miles ahead of Pioneer - I will not go into Pio official forum asking for “Denon like” looping. Everything you can do on Pio you can do on Denons (and vice-versa) you just have to learn/adapt your workflow. Learning stuff is always nice, different workflows may offer new mixing possibilities and ideas.


I started a feature request for it about a year ago

CUE/LOOP CALL function


I’d like the Denon players to have all the essential features of the market leader. Not because I use all of them. But because of compatibility with existing rekordbox databases and user workflows. If any Pioneer user is held back from switching to Denon by the lack of memory cues, that’s bad for Denon’s business.

Fewer users/customers = less money in Denon DJ’s pockets = less product & software development for existing users.

Btw: I’d love to see memory cues being implemented because I use(d) them as visual (non-active) markers throughout my tracks. The cue scope on the DDJ-1000’s jog display was one of my favorite features. Same goes for active loops.


Sooo basically you used them as hot cues but didn’t actually use them?