Is Prime 4 Plus Stems a Joke?

The stems function was said to be launched in the summer of 2023, but so far there has been no progress at all. What’s wrong?

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No it wasn’t said to be launched. A beta test was announced, initially for Prime 4+ users as Denon wanted a small test group.


But it is a fact that the development of Stems is seriously lagging behind. We bought it because of Stems.


You should buy the product based on what it can do in the moment of purchase, not what is said, that “comes in the future”. Denons Stems information was very clear about that.


You have to give them time to improve and do it with quality. You have other incredible functions. At the moment it will be the only device on the market with stems, so you already have a reason. all the best I have p4+


Well I’m glad I didn’t move to P4+ because of Stems. I was about to do it thought. But the “Beta in summer” made me wait longer. Of course we all would like to see some progress but to be fair not even Pioneer/AT is advancing right now and they sell the FLX10 that is designed for stems while for Denon it is just a “Bonus feature on top”

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Id personally be keeping an eye on what Akai are doing with Stems, as i imagine once its rolled out to their hardware devices and working to a decent standard, we will see more traffic on the DJ gear side of things.


Going, to be honest, there way behind on the stems. Virtual DJ is way ahead of everyone else, that’s 100%. You should be able to control voice, Instrument, and Beat with knobs. I hope they do something soon, it’s what most people are doing. I’m not complaining to much, I love my Prime 4+, its a amazing machine

Things can only lag behind if they’ve got something to actually lag behind.

There was no Launch date for public stems, there was no “stems will be ready by…” for its current beta to “lag behind”

To suggest lagging is a moot point in its entirety.

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I have to say that everyone is very friendly, but Denon should not use immature technology or functions to attract people to buy. This is wrong.


They didn’t, it was leaked by a major retailer and forced their hand. Then Youtube channels reported on it being in Beta. If you go back and watch the videos this is all explained.


Does anyone have any word on when the non-beta stems might be launching?


No word at all unfortunately. See my post above about a best guess as to how to approach it.

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Why do they always compare Virtual Dj or other programs with the prime system?.. programs like virtual require a powerful laptop and the engine system is autonomous, I think it cannot be compared, you have to be fair and honest when you express your opinion…there is no hardware on the market with the power of any prime range product, especially the 6000 prime 4 and 4+


Actually VirtualDJ can separate stems on any PC or Mac, but the processing will take longer.

For fastest “on the fly” separation it needs a good GPU, but it can also be set to use the CPU or preprocess & save the stems.

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You are Right sorry, I know this is marketed as a standalone, It is different when you are pretty much using the controller as Midi, but the processing power is dependent on PC, MAC, CPU and GTU specifications. Look I love the machine, it’s probably not going to happen. I can see how some of you are annoyed that people say that, Sorry guys. Its a dream I guess.

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They are 100% working on Stems for Akai hardware though, so if it ends up on there it vastly increases the chances of it porting to DJ gear.

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It would present to me that InMusic are taking their time with stems and rightfully so whilst I do want the feature I would prefer the stems are at least competing with what the competition are offering.

I don’t expect the InMusic stems to be the leaders on stems upon release but certainly needs to useable for most genres. Maybe the stems feature is part of wider plan as opposed to an isolated feature (pure speculation).

Hopefully there will be an update soon my guess would be around June but again that is just a guess

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The Akai stems are courtesy of zplane so part of the work is already done.

Nope, It’s developer issues of writing a code for actual hardware. Basically AI stem idea of Cloud Computing service from Engine dj company is better because you don’t need to run stems from hardware lifetime, for cloud stems computing idea it should work for all standalone controller over WIFI connection