In-ear monitors, advice?

I wanted to buy a couple of In-ear monitors to obviously use them to put music on the console. Have you tried any models with which you found yourself well? Do you have any advice?

Sennheiser ie80 or sennheiser momentum

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KZ Z10 Pro (Amazon)

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I always see good stuff written about KZ IEMs.

For the price Iā€™m tempted to check them out to see if they are as good as people say.

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After trying several in ear, even super expensive ones like Shure, I have been using the MACKIE MP-240 for some years now (the same ones I use in my videos). It is essential to evaluate the ergonomics even before the audio quality. If the in ear does not fit in your ear you will not hear as well as you should and they may come off as you play.


They have an exaggerated price, perhaps more than what they are worth. But the brand pays for itself. @Dj-alzy Do you have this model?

I too have heard good things about the KZs, they probably wonā€™t have the level of the 300 Euro ones, but perhaps for amateur or semi-professional use they could be fine. Iā€™ll think about it.

Yes, these are also a good product, a middle level between the super-expensive ones and the Chinese ones. Iā€™ll evaluate these too, thanks Ethan.

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I have the Sennheiser IE500 Pro as option lying around. Too expensive, but a friend of mine ordered them for a customer who eventually cancelled the order. I got them very cheap. :sunglasses:


@DjAj yes i have both. I use the momentums for ipod use and the ie80ā€™s when it is painful to wear hd25ā€™s (after a chemo session ears being clamped hurts after a while) they are pricey but are very very comfortable and neutral in sound when you set them up right on the adjustable bass.

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Ditch the overrated HD25 and get the smooth as silk BeyerDynamic DT770 Pro. :wink: No wear fatigue.

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The KZā€™s ZS10-PRO are indeed very good for the price. I have HD25 1-II, HDJ2000MK2 and for checking\prepping tracks on the PC I use only the ZS10-PROā€™s. As with all in ears, the eartips are very important. loose/too small eartips will destroy bass reproduction and audio quality. I play DJ sets with inears sometimes - they are great, precise tools for DJing, but requires some adaptation - for me the ā€˜isolated from the worldā€™ feeling is somewhat weird as I dj with right side only cup on regular dj headphones. I would buy the ZS10Proā€™s . Low price, great quality. If you like the concept, then go for more ā€˜exoticā€™ options

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I use iems to DJ with as the slight sound isolation is good for the ears for me(the joys of getting older).

I have had a pair of KZ for a few years and they are great. I also have a pair of Shure, which I switch between the Bluetooth module and wired, and they are excellent. But for DJing out and about the KZā€™s are absolutely fine, they lack a little bass (maybe 10% less) but I donā€™t feel hampered by them.

Thank you all. I ordered a pair of KZ ZS10-PROs on Amazon. They will arrive within the day. I will do my tests and evaluations, if they do not satisfy me I will be able to return them to Amazon and go to a higher level. :smiley:

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Iā€™ve wanted to grab a pair for a good year or two but never took the plunge. Definitely keep us informed and I may grab a set myself.

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I think Iā€™ll order and give the KZ-ZEX1 a try. Might be for Teams in the end but still. :joy:

If someoneā€™s interested, put this website through the translator from fellow Dutchman:


They are already in my hands: from the various photos I thought they were bigger, instead they fit comfortably inside the ears and I still have space (maybe my ears are too big?). From a first test connected to smartphones, I listened to music and the bass sounds good, more than I thought. I also used an app to generate frequencies and it is possible to hear the sound at 20 Hz, while increasing the frequency I can hear up to 8 kHz, I did not find any ā€œholesā€ in the audible frequencies.

It remains to try how I find myself using them with the Prime 4, but for all that I have to wait tonight.

I believe that with KZ it is necessary to remain at medium levels, without hoping to reach the more expensive brands. Maybe go to KZ models that cost a lot, it is not said that you get more performance than the cheaper models (50 - 60 Euro), look here: LINK

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I have no experience with KZ at all, so I wonā€™t be spending more than ā‚¬25 and it must have a mic.

My IE500 Pro works and sounds great. For Teams I use a BeyerDynamic Soul Byrd at the moment.

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Yesterday I also ordered the KZ ZEX-PRO, it should arrive today. Over the weekend I will compare the two models (ZEX-PRO vs. ZS10-PRO) and then on Monday I will let you know. Then I will decide which of the two models to send back to Amazon. Meanwhile, I can anticipate that last nightā€™s test with the ZS10-PRO was very positive, very present bass, also medium and high frequencies, very present and crystalline. I also had to lower the headphone level knob a little because it was much louder than my traditional Pioneer headphones).


I tried both models KZ (ZS10-PRO and ZEX-PRO) and there are no big differences, perhaps with a fine ear or with more refined music, maybe some small differences could be there, but in terms of sound response at the various frequencies I did not notice any difference between the two models. The connection cable is identical for both models, as both are PRO versions.

Below are the positives between the two models:

  • ZS10-PRO (57ā‚¬ Amazon): it has a slightly lower weight than the other and is a little smaller in size (although both have no problem staying in the ear). It has a higher sensitivity to the audio signal, in fact to get the same sound in the ear with this model I have to lower the headphone level knob a little. It is a Hybrid unit with 5 drivers (4 Balanced Armature + 1 Dynamic): this configuration is more similar to the Mackie MP-240/320/460).

  • ZEX-PRO (45ā‚¬ Amazon): Aesthetically they look more beautiful (even if it is a subjective aspect), because they are black and are less ā€œTechnoā€ than the other models that have some metal parts. It mounts an electrostatic driver to get a better frequency response (but I didnā€™t notice much difference vs ZS10). It is a Hybrid unit with three drivers (Dynamic + Electrostatic + Balanced Armature).

Conclusions: I was very satisfied with both models, I would have expected a poor result, considering the price difference compared to the expensive models (Sennheiser and Mackie). Instead I was pleasantly surprised and although there will probably be some aspects that justify the price difference compared to the expensive models, but I canā€™t understand what that difference could be. I donā€™t think it is possible to get a better listening result, or if there is this better result than the expensive and so inaudible models that it doesnā€™t justify the price.

I donā€™t have Sennheiser or Mackie models but maybe given the low price of these two KZ models, those of you who have an expensive model could make a more reliable comparison than mine.

For my use they are very good and I will keep one of the two models, but to date I have not yet decided which of the two.


I would keep both - one for outdoor/sport and one for indoor use :slight_smile:

Yes, I had thought about that. :joy: :rofl: I find myself as if I am in love with two women and not knowing who to choose!

But since for external use with smartphones I have bluetooth headsets, then I would have to use both KZ models to mix, and all this would be useless. However I am much more inclined to keep the ZEX PRO because I find them more comfortable to wear and then they are more recent as products.

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