I would love to buy an SC6000

Yes so can “I” but that is the problem here with your responses. It’s not about you or “I” it’s about all DJ’s in general. And many prefer the Full Band RGB Waveforms for reasons already discussed. So having the superior option would be nice for those who prefer it …

Well at least you actually do get the point so kudos’ sir. :slight_smile:

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Crazy. For a waveform.

The only thing you need is your ears it’s the most important element of mixing closely followed by good hand and ear coordination.

If your worried about the visuals of the device and Anticipate this will effect your mixing just hit the sync button lol.

What a thread



Yes, that is the basics of DJ’ing. But it’s no longer 19 O’ Cobweb. It’s 2021 the digital new age so move with the times or don’t it’s your choice but don’t talk down/mock others because they wish to embrace the new age.


Had me dying at 19 0 cobweb.

I think the issue here is most digital DJ’s and DVS users spent years on Serato or Traktor (in my case) and want a waveform they are accustomed to (RGB or Monochromatic). It will also make it easier for Rekordbox users making the switch. Rekordbox has the 3 band waveform now, but had the RGB and monochrome waveforms for years prior.

PS I am one of those DJs that started over 20 years ago

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Alas! The infamous “use your ears” comment.


Well I don’t / can’t speak for all DJs - and neither can you. Saying things like “many prefer” is just meaningless unless you can quantify it. How many DJs prefer “full band” waveforms? Has there been a survey? :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, 106 and counting, is that quantified enough for you?

Feel free to make an alternative thread/request for a blank SC6000 screen off function, so you can carry on with the oldskool by ear skills way to see if you can quantify more …


I am ok with the color scheme. Actually any color scheme is good as long as we are presented with information about what color does what and they are actually contrasting enough to see the fast moving changes.

But what I actually would suggest (but it’s only a suggestion, not necessity): Let’s ask for more detailed waveforms maybe? Color - let it be optional for everyone to select high, mid, low from 16 or 32 colors. But the shape should have more details to better see the transients.

And yes, I can still mix with vinyl on analog mixers without any screen too. I am not lazy oldschool - but always open for future and development.


This would be very helpful for manual beat-gridding.


Again though that should be an option/user preference - spikey waveforms from a UI/UX perspective are heavily dated and not in-line with modern standards that are considered good design, so it’s very easy to see why the decision was made to go with a smoother version (which imo is better, but that’s just my opinion).


Better for the looks, not better to see the transients. You want precision? Make the waveform more detailed. It should look like 3 waveforms on top of each other. Every frequency (low, mid, high) in different color.

Ehm aren’t they now?

This really starts to look like a good old flamewar.

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To which I can outline my reasons

  1. 250km commute daily- need Waze, need real-time traffic update, speed camera warnings

  2. my Tidal info on the screen

  3. See my contacts on the screen

  4. Podcasts

  5. Enhanced Handsfree


Basically CarPlay turns a mundane journey into a safe and productive one for me.

Sure a Horse and Carriage can do the same journey without CarPlay but im not horse and carriage shopping.

No disrespect to folks that prefer that mode of traveling either.

Yes, exactly that is now, but as I said, better to have more detailed one. I don’t want to say it is a necessity but, it’s a suggestion and would be very welcome if happened.


Android Auto does all this and more


Beyoncé again….I detect a pattern.


Jay-z will not take kindly to this.

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I think this thread has gone off-topic unless someone can show me some new CarPlay/Beyonce/Kradcliffe’s Wife style waveform.



Well, interesting concept…

Well we did what we could to keep you all entertaiined otherwise

It would have gone

  • A - I want “this”

  • B - no you don’t need “this”

  • A - but i want “this”

  • B - you are not a real dj if you cant dj without “this”

  • A - ok, i’m not a real dj but i still want “this”


  • A - how dare you …you ##$%%^

few back and forth of ##### and %%^^&&

  • Then mods come to lock the thread (season finale)

Till the next request (rinse and repeat)