recently got Prime 4+ - its pretty cool but about half my music when analysed - the first 20secs are off time, then magically snap to be correct 20secs in (see picture). This happens across any file, from music bought, music I’ve produced and music I’ve ripped and seems to happen at exactly the same moment. (also doesn’t matter whether its analysed on the prime or in the app)
I have tried reanalysing with different settings but no change.
Placing anchors only seems to make it worse - so the option is either a grid that is completely wrong, or one that is rock solid but only after the first 20secs of the track
What can I do here? is there a third party engineDJ compatible beat detection software? is there an easy fix? Is there a wicked tip for better beat detection?
ah thanks for that - I’m wondering if its my files - some of my older collection seems to be in .M4A format - just looking to see if only happens to them…
It doesn’t seem to be happening to every mp4a files which is confusing… Okay I converted one of the Mp4a files to a MP3 - and it worked straight off the bat - looks like I have squirrelly files poisoning my collection
Try this Flug track…this is the one that made me think it was a file problem as I had 2 versions, one was fine ,the other not
Ooop moved the link to a PM, sorry a bit new to this forum…
No probs, I grabbed the link anyway, ive just loaded into my Engine and yes the beat grid is off, I then converted it to MP3 in iTunes and its gridded perfectly so it must be some issue with your files… what that issue is, is way beyond my knowledge level but some of the guys on here might be able to chip in with some advice.
see thats weird! because it rock solid in my Traktor -see this shot from the same position you’ve shown there in both my good and bad files of the same track