Thanks so much for your help solving this puzzle, I think the Traktor element is one to many variables for my brain to compute - I’ll move forward on this and try and batch process a bunch to MP3 and see if it solves it completely
try with one. not certain that will fix it, but let me know if it does.
you could also consider iTunes match.
It definitely worked for me, converting his file to MP3 then re-loading into Engine. I can’t work out why it makes a difference though
Is there a tag stripper you can use to remove all data from one of those M4A files to see if there’s any wonky beatgrid data hanging around from an old program? Many DJ softwares write this data to the file and if it’s wrong Engine will use this wrong data.
Theres loads of free apps that can strip junk and remove all the extra tag additions apart from the fields that you actually want.
Keep in mind Engine DJ is an open-source music management software which means it doesn’t get the attention it needs for updates. In the 5 years I’ve used it, it hasn’t analyzed tens of thousands of my tracks properly (which are all from DJ pools). I’d rather see the program cost $$ and function properly-- there are too many bugs with it.
You dont half spout some nonsense on this forum, it’s quite an achievement.
for the sake of science I stripped a wonky track of all tags using MP3Tag reimported into EngineDJ with no change (first 20secs off beat, then snaps to on beat). then exported the same untagged file as an MP3 and imported with perfect beat detection but now has 40secs of silence at the end (!?) Interesting.
I then found a mp4a track I hadn’t analysed with traktor and analysed it with EngineDJ - still the same 20sec offbeat problem…so this indicates that traktor’s added data is not the problem.
Combined with the experiment above I think it’s certainly a subset of my files are knackered mp4as whose problem extents beyond metadata yet is fixed when transcoding to MP3 - now the next problem of hunting them all down and replacing them while not destroying my collection/playlists
i don’t think you know what open source is, if you truly believe what you wrote.
And clearly missed the ‘improved downbeat detection’ update that was rolled out recently
The comment history tells you all you need to know about this particular poster.
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