Hello - What is the difference between Engine Prime and Engine DJ? Reason I ask is I had downloaded Engine Prime a while back to explore it as possible alternative to Serato DJ Pro, but when I learned there are a number of critical features missing from Engine Prime I didn’t continue exploring it any further. Well today I launched Engine Prime again (w/ green app icon) to do some experiments, and when I did I was prompted to update the software (believe it was v1.6.1). So I went through automated update process, but when I relaunched Engine Prime I saw it still hadn’t updated to new version even though I followed all the on-screen instruction to do so. Went through the same process several times before finally looking in the application folder (macOS) and saw a new application next to Engine Prime application I’d never seen before named ‘Engine DJ’ (w/ black & white app icon). Needless to say I’m thoroughly confused now. lol
Engine primeis now engine dj. Its now ver2.x.x the way it writes the database is completly different to ver 1.6 (green).
It is NOT an altrrnative to serato you CANNOT dj with it (mmm well some try )
It is prep software for the prime series of gear from denon.
Unless you own a prime series controller or media player then experimenting will be a headache (it can be a headache when you own the primes too but another day another story).
Thanks for the info. Appreciated.
Regarding Engine DJ not an alternative to Serato DJ Pro; That’s unfortunate that Engine DJ is still so far behind Serato DJ Pro because I would love to fully migrate exclusively to the Denon Engine ecosystem but won’t/can’t until a number of critical must-have features are adopted by it.
Engine is just housekeeping software to allow the prime series of controllers (and others like numark) to act as standalone. It was never designed to be a dj gig software
I understand. The problem for me and many others is that because Engine DJ OS is still missing several critical features that are present in Serato DJ Pro, Rekordbox, Traktor, etc., and even Engine DJ Desktop, it’s keeping us from ditching those programs all together and using Engine DJ OS exclusively. Critical features such as stacked waveforms across multiple players, keyword searching tracks’ comment field, Flip (automated editing function), etc. Was just hoping Engine DJ OS and Desktop had matured by now so that migration to it would be possible. Sadly it hasn’t for whatever unknown reason.
Not yet. It will get there eventually. Until then we do have the option of still being able to use serato. Not ideal when you buy the unit for its standalone features assuming they had some basics nailed down
Yep, truly standalone on SC6000 is where I/we would ultimately like to get to. Hopefully Denon is working behind the scenes to finally make that happen by getting those critical features implemented.
Do you own any Denon gear? If not, what made you download Engine software?
I would like to hope so. But it does take time
What do you mean by this? truly standalone?
That would be EPIC… something thst would just cripple the competition… that said though pioneers “stand alone” still needs the pc too.
Okay but you would still need a computer to get tracks onto the players no?
No total standalone. Network access to your library and ability to move tracks via wifi ( i think there is a workaround to access nas but not to actually transfer tracks) the same as we do with dropbox but eithout that extra step of upliafing to there first. Just access drive on local network pc
Network access to… Your computer?
Yup. Exactly that
Sorry for being a bit obtuse. My point was just that you’re not going to take the computer out of the chain completely. I do agree that it would be nice to have more fully featured prepare options on the devices.
No your not being obtuse. No you will never be able to take the pc right away (unless the physically build one into units) but to have access to it without having to tether to it to transfer music over would be nice
As someone who works as a system admin, I can’t begin to think about the security concerns around web browsing on a media player.
For the sake of a little time it’s far easier to just use a computer from one of the main OS vendors and export your music, let Denon focus on providing good DJ gear, let’s Apple and MS etc worry about computers.
Yes, currently own a pair of Denon SC6000s (pic attached). I had originally downloaded Engine Prime back when I owned a pair of Denon SC5000s so that I could learn what it was about, what it could do/not do, etc. I quickly abandoned Engine Prime back then because Id learned it was missing all kinds of features I consider essential for my particular workflow. I’ve been a Serato user ever since Serato first launched Scratch Live back in 2004, and currently on the latest version of Serato DJ Pro. SDJP does everything I need it to and very comfortable with it. That being said, I’ve always been curious if there was a way to migrate away from SDJP to using Denon decks without Computer Mode, but unfortunately Engine DJ OS is still missing a number of essential features which keeps me using SC6000s with SDJP. Additionally, because of the recent debacle of Serato interfaces being discontinued and no longer being supported without any announcements of replacement interfaces or other upgrade pathways available to continue using SDJP with SC6000s (particularly in four deck mode which the Rane SL4 did allow), I’m now in the process of trying to learn what work going forward, but every time I keep running into roadblocks. This is complicated even further because I only use analog mixers, not digital with interfaces built in.
Yeah i sort if see your problem. I had a similar sort of thing. I found it was more a case of making a brutal decison serato or engine. Personally i choose to go down the engine route and have serato as a backup. But after using serato for years then moving to engine was a BIG learning curve. But now i find things on serato are not as easy as i used to find them. My hands are over my comyrollers more now rather than keep moving between laptop and controller. Its also nice not to have another link in the chain to break sometimes