🚀 Engine DJ v4.0 Now Available - Enter the flow!

Hi Everyone,

We are excited to unveil Engine DJ 4.0, marking a new chapter for our embedded DJ software. This latest update introduces reimagined, streamlined workflows designed to elevate your DJ performances. The enhanced, intuitive user interface simplifies browsing and performing, offering a more customizable experience. We appreciate your ongoing support and are confident you will enjoy the refreshed capabilities of Engine DJ 4.0.

Engine DJ 4.0 is available now as a free update for all Engine DJ hardware.

Download 4.0 Now

We invite you to watch our release video, showcasing the modernized user interface, improved workflows, and new capabilities in action. We hope you enjoy this preview.

Release Notes

Engine DJ OS

New Features

Redesigned Performance View

Deck view

  • Deck layout is now consistent between vertical/horizontal view as well as standalones/players
  • Album art is now displayed next to track name
  • Beat Phase / Beat Keeper now available as a switchable option on all devices
  • Key Change Controls: Added Reset, Sync and enable/disable controls
  • Pressing a deck’s BPM can now be used to assign the Lead status to a deck

New Layout Manager allows for deeper customization of views

  • Save and recall up to 3 different view layouts
  • Press Shift+View on hardware to cycle through saved view layouts
  • Independently choose between 2/4 deck and 2/4 waveform views (4 deck units only)
  • Players View options include: 1 Deck, 2 Decks Stacked or 2 Deck Grouped
  • Players can now swap deck and waveform positions using the Deck Swap option (SC5000/M, 6000/M)
  • The Performance Library can now be displayed in all view configurations

Additional changes / improvements

  • Added the ability to adjust the position of the Playhead Position on the waveforms
  • Performance Library, Performance Pads View, Toolbar, Load to Deck Screen as well as other elements have been improved and redesigned
  • Added “Trainspotting Mode” (Ability to hide track title and artist from deck)


Redesigned Search Bar

  • Searching can be switched between entire collection and current playlist
  • Search button is now in the same location in both the library and performance views for faster searching in all contexts

Expandable Track List

  • The Expanded Track List shows a larger number of songs and displays full waveform overviews including cues and loops
  • Playlist tree automatically collapses when focus is on the Track List
  • A button is available in the sidebar to manually expand/collapse the playlist tree


  • Touch FX Filter Echo and Filter Dub Echo now have an additional amount slider for better customization/control
  • FX buttons now flash when engaged
  • Reset FX now sets all parameters to default
  • Filter and noise sweep are now audible in CUE/PFL mix

Reset Played Tracks

  • Played tracks can now be reset. Option available in Profile → Display

Other Updates

  • 24-Hour Clock option now available in Settings → Device
  • Increased recording volume on all units so that the recording level is more consistent across units. Prime 4, Prime 2 and Prime Go all have been boosted ~8dB.
  • Tracks can now be ejected from deck. Pressing Shift-Load on Consoles and Shift-Eject on Players will unload the current selected deck/layer
  • Improved Beatport/Beatsource search (now uses latest search interface from Beatport)
  • Key sync feature is now available on Numark Engine DJ OS devices
  • Manual loop creation can now be cancelled mid-loop creation by pressing the in button again
  • 4.0 no longer supports updating collections from 1.x versions. Users will be prompted to first update to version 3.4 before updating to 4.0 if the collection is sufficiently outdated

Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where swapping FX or Touch FX channel assignments when an effect is active could result in pops/clicks
  • Fixed an issue where Prime 4 / Prime 4 + units search filters were unusually slow compared to other EOS devices
  • Fixed an issue where some tracks would show up blank when browsing from a networked player
  • Fixed an issue where some streaming track would not immediately appear on deck once downloaded
  • Fixed an issue where moving a loop region could result in short audio dropouts
  • Fixed an issue where when opening the session’s first track in the grid editor, no waveform would be shown until a button was pressed
  • Fixed an issue where waveforms would stutter every 20 seconds
  • Fixed an issue where when using a computer as music source, updating playlists would not show updates on Engine OS devices under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue where the Echo effect would not engage if the amount parameter for Flanger or Phaser was previously adjusted
  • Fixed an issue where Dub Echo and Wash effect would jump in intensity when knob was around the 11 o’clock position
  • Fixed an issue where a track would be left in an unanalyzed state if the track was unloaded before the analysis was finished
  • Fixed an issue where Amazon Music download/decryption would be slower if music is already playing
  • Fixed an issue where navigating from a playlist to a prepare list and back again would cause the playlist position to be lost
  • Fixed an issue where Dropbox library would not download when switching user accounts
  • Fixed an issue where entering incorrect login credentials to a streaming service would ask users to “check their internet connection” instead of letting them know that the login is invalid
  • Misc. additional stability and performance improvements

Engine DJ (Desktop)

Improvements and Fixes

  • Improved stability when copying / syncing tracks and playlists to external drives.
  • Fixed an issue where a user’s SoundSwitch library would get repacked to drive even if it did not get updated.
  • Fixed an issue where Smartlists could disappear when moved to a different parent playlist.

Maaaaasive!! Congrats to all who made this happen :heart::heart::heart:


This is a massive update! Freaking awesome!

Looking forward to try it out … looks really nice!

Thanks to the devs :fire: :fire: :fire:


super amazing,but it so bad i dont see the color code and pitch tone feature in this update

Awesome work guys, loads of new features for our ever evolving devices.

Cool to see the eternally disappointed chiming in less than 30 mins after the announcement lol.


they work every hard especially on the libruary. section


One thing that seems to have been missed by all the YouTube reviews, you can now hear sweep fx/filter in the headphones on standalone devices. Something I know @BeatMaster has been wanting for a long time:)


Looking forward to test it out and see if the have made the " only " improvement i want.

So i can Zoom-OUT more … but other than that looking good :kissing_heart:

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I just saw it when i opened Engine to update music … firmware as well? Can’t wait to get under the hood.


The performance library in horizontal view and expanding playlists are awesome additions, nice one guys :+1:

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Hello, I’m Spanish, I don’t speak English very well, I have a problem when updating to version 4.0.0, the colors do not appear in the stars of the songs (score of each song) Does this happen to anyone else? ??

You can now move the play head position so it will give you more of the approaching waveform.


Woho … but stiiiilllll … want to Zoom-Out more :sweat_smile:


Give it a try see how much you can see. How much are you looking for?

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Congratulations dev-team :heart::heart::heart::heart:


I think at least 50% of the track, but i like that i can move the position. Gonna check out and tell later on :slight_smile:

50% of a 3 minute track or a 10 minute track?

I’d say the overview waveform with moving playhead is the best bet for that kind of visibility.


Whoooohoooo - well anyone who says Denon/InMusic don’t listen to customers should be pointed to this list to show that Denon/music do indeed listen and act upon customers requests.

It’s a massive update with many many features added for free, so give it 10 minutes, rather than 5 minutes before someone pipes up with “it’s a poor update, where’s my feature request”

Well done InMusic … so many wishes implemented !!!