Done with Engine software

Well I see this has gone way out of control. This well be my last post. I upgraded my mmac to Engine to 4.1, my 5000s to 4.1. Reformated my drive once aagain. Drag/drop a folder with sub folders to the drive. So far it copied my playlist over. Now copying my Playlist with sub playlist it did copy one of them for a odd reason. Work around was copy the indivdual playlist then recreate the playlist on the drive. My tomorrow I should be done doing this and see how it goes. If it my problems come back I will keep rekordbox x2 and use one for denon only. I hope some day Denon Engine/ InMusic rethink there approach and on Engine software.

peace out

Well another problem I found. Here is a link to a on screen recording I did. When u see on the left I have my playlist and on the right is my drive DenDen,. When you look at the video the copying created a duplicate on the leftside so now i have for a example 3 NEW HOUSE playlist 2 on the left and one on DEnDEn drive . this should be happening under 4.1

file is available for 3 days

If you’re referring to my comment, firstly it wasn’t aimed at Alberto, secondly you can easily check the comment history of the person it was aimed at, they are a troll and nothing more.

So two things that stand out here that are different to how I (and others who tend not to have many issues) work. The first is importing data from other software, I did it once when I first bought a Denon product, this was from Serato. I now manage my collection solely in Engine for use with Engine powered products, if I want to manage Serato playlists I’ll do it in Serato independently.

The import from other software was only ever designed to be an initial one time load, not a way of managing music.

The second anomaly here is manually dropping music onto the drive you want to use for your DJing. I know there are some here who do this method, including @Reese . But this method should be treat with care as it involves certain steps to get it right.

For my own workflow, I drag and drop new files into playlists on the desktop software, I then use sync manager to synchronise them to either and internal SSD installed in my Prime 2, or a USB 3.2 drive, ensuring there is enough space on both accounts. Sometimes the quantities don’t match up but upon investigation I’ve found that this is because of Serato stems files in my music folders (meaning my music folder contains more tracks than my Engine playlist)

Have you tried solely using Engine to manage your music and seeing how successful that is? As opposed to importing it from a 3rd party software.

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I pretty much use the same process, initial load from Traktor several years ago and now just use Engine. Adding new tracks almost weekly and a quick sync of either new or updated playlists with zero issues.


It would be nice to have an ‘update library’ option embedded into that import feature, but I can’t see them wasting resource on catering to people using other software, when their time is much better spent on focusing on this software.

But it seems the reason people are using “other software” is that it is better than Engine. My recent issue with beatgridding is a perfect example of this.

I know VDJ database isn’t compatible but as that is my main playout software it would be nice just to convert that over for use with the Prime Go+ rather than doing everything all over again in Engine. I guess this is what other people are doing with Serato/Rekordbox.

They probably are, but the point is Engine hasn’t been designed to do that, much like all those other software aren’t designed to integrate with any others. InMusic aren’t some kind of outlier here, in fact they are probably a victim of their own helpfulness by including the import function to begin with, because now people expect far more from it than what it was intended for.

I wonder how many people complain on the NI/Serato/Alpha/VDJ forums that you can’t import libraries from other software into it.

Other software might be better (I personally find Rekordbox terrible due to excessive pop up windows, extra button presses required and the nonsense ‘update library’ that if you don’t do, won’t show new tracks on your drive) but unless people actually go into detail about their exact issues, with some kind of evidence/showcase of the problems, how are InMusic meant to address their concerns?

Simply creating an account here to type “it’s S@£T” and not a lot else doesn’t help anybody, and is likely to just annoy regular forum members/the mod/the devs.

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One thing that seems to be pretty consistent is that there are plenty of people who get annoyed with Engine DJ’s shortfalls.

I tried to call attention to this and it didn’t seem to go further than me venting my frustrations.

I do hope that one day the team will be given the green light to invest in EDJ and bring it up to the quality that mirrors EOS.

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For me I cant use just engine as I use different hardware at gigs. I use traktor as my management of library. That cant change because I loose all my cues and loops I have created for decades. Also just need to solve the engine creating as u can see duplicates all of a sudden. Im going to try using sync

@djliquidice Yeah ive said for ages that they need a couple of desktop only releases, rather than stuff on the OS.

I dont make heavy use of pre-arranged cues and loops, they are more on the fly in my workflow, but I also use 4 different pieces of software, Engine primarily, followed by Serato then Rekordbox then Djay Pro… I have mirrored my computer music folder structure into playlists in each software, that way I have consistency across the board when it comes to finding tracks (the number one most important part of DJing in my opinion).


I dont recall ever seeing this stated anywhere from Engine Prime 1.0.0

Folks need to know what they are doing to adopt this method.

I may be wrong but i feel there is a cohort who wants to maintain their manual folder > file structure perhaps this may also be a reason why they use this method.

I still use Serato for my library…it gets synced to Engine DJ and rekordbox box dj. There is no way i am going to manually redo all my stuff in Engine DJ.

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Tbh. My “collection on external drive” method probably solves the 4 points of @Alberto_Jumper. :relieved:


I did caveat my statement by saying I don’t make heavy use of pre-prepared cues and loops, hence being able to independently manage libraries across software.

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i know, you have mentioned it previously.

My style leans heavily on well placed grids, hotcues and flips (serato).


To be fair, I’ve experienced this also several times. And i wish the developers of EngineDJ would make this proces more transparant. For now its selecting a small new playlist, click sync. The system gives the status “exporting” and 2 hours later it is done. And I dont know why since in my experience it’s only copying 15 files over and updating a directory. In RB this is to be expected since the FAT32 is slow as corn-syrup. But I dont know why the sync is so slow, and a expectation of the remaining duration would be nice.

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Yeah, it’s slow as is exFAT. It’s too bad that HFS requires a license, it really does make a difference.