As of today I am done with engine dj software. For the past several months I been having massive issues from exporting tracks to a external drive to importing issues. I downgraded down to 3.4 and still the same issues. I even upgraded to 4.1 and same issues. I love the hardware but I can’t keep going on with issues after issues with importing/exporting tracks. Going to using Rekordbox
Not to sound funny here, but you’ve written the word ‘issues’ 5 times in that post and not once gone into any specifics about what they are.
Perhaps list each one clearly and people here will chime in and try to offer a solution for you.
How can you have a problem pressing a button that makes the Engine itself do the job of transferring the music files to external hard drive or USB? Please tell us more, please attach pictures if you want help! Have you formatted your usb and hard drive correctly?
Make that six! I have to issue a correction.
If you’ve got issues with that, it’s not my issue.
So sorry to hear you’re fed up. Engine DJ has lots of problems that have not been addressed in years and I can completely understand how easy it is to want to call it quits, especially with issues like exporting playlists not working and Engine NOT posting errors.
I can also empathize with posting your frustration as it can feel good in the immediate term, and it really doesn’t help solve the problems.
If you want assistance with troubleshooting, please be more descriptive and some of us will help dive in as best we can.
What kind of issues ?
Engine software is not bad, except it can’t autosync with itunes/applemusic playlists
I honestly do not experience problems like that with Engine Desktop so I’m sure the problems you see can be overcome.
Like others have said, if you’d like to be specific about your setup and the problems you experience, the community will try to help. Straight up.
Otherwise your post is just a rant into the abyss of the internet.
How about starting with Mac or PC? OS version? Exporting to USB or SD card? How is that card formatted? Etc….
(I’m going to insert a little preference for SD card here, since recently I’ve bought some really pants (Sounds like “Sand-Fisk”) USB sticks that run hotter than the sun but deliver pitiful performance and reliability)
Could you please try and describe your issues a bit more.
Walk us through your operation from A to Z, and leave no details in the dark.
I’m sure we’ll be able to help you a bit
this feature would save me so many hours of work!
I am with you completely here is my ticket submission to Denon…
Basically I am no longer able to use the dam thing lol :•)
Well hello, not sure if you can even solve this one! However let me tell you all about it> I have recently updated my SC6000 player Engine OS 4.1, Yes very nice, this then updated the data base on my USB still, All good. Now however I am then prompted to update my computers software also, when I insert the USB key it states, Database is not compatible and please update your engine computer software to the latest version 4.1, ( I am currently running 4.0, on a partitioned drive running Cataline 10.15) Unfortunate however it is the new 4.1 is also not commutable with my MacOS and asks me to update this, SH*T Mow my USB key is not comparable with the engine software, the new engine software is not compatible with my system, So now I am left with a few decisions.
- go buy a new Mac as my current, Mid 2012 running 10.15, is not able to update and run the required 12.0 OS
- Roll black the Engine OS on my player to 3.4 (as 4.0, was very buggy on the SC prime range, in mt experience.) Hence the new 4.1 update. Rolling back will allow me to export once again my old date base back-up and use the player once again, as right now it is not able to update the music files or data base.
- Return the SC6000 Prime I have and exchange it for a more compatible player such as a Pioneer CDJ 2000 NX2 (Second hand, the CDJ3000 is a Joke and well over priced IMO)
SO unless you can somehow allow the use of older (less than 3 moths, version 4.0 with the new 4.1 on the player) I am stuck…
Not sure what you can do, however is a note that now Denon are locking out some of its loyal users due to software limitations…
Thank you and have a great day, Perhaps a conversation for the Rand D department…
I understand your question and your frustration. I have the same problem with Traktor, which I’ve been using since 2009 and with my old mac 2011. Even on Traktor, the newer updates stopped working. This applies to everything and pretty much all computer programs. When there is a generational change, you have to choose. Stay and be happy or upgrade your hardware! Telephones, computers, TV boxes, etc. everything is affected by this. Not just Denon.
Indeed l! I still able to run Tracktor 3 4 is also not compatible with my mac and again why I chose to go Denon DJ, But now Im almost in the same boat again :•)
Almost forced a Consumer world……
Hence, I even have an old PC running window XP, for the simple reason, so much software would be now obsolete and not able to function.
Ir you can go get the latest pC and pay the new subscription model being more and more implemented.
System Specs 2019 Macbook Pro i9/16g/1TB/2TB External (FAT32)/ OSX Sonoma 14.6.1 2x Denon SC 5000 4.0 firmware. My Collection is over 70k and I play many genres of music.
I use Traktor Pro 3 to prep and manage all music collection.
My issues started happening the first time I upgraded from 4.0 to 4.0.1
- Plug in my external and started Engine software
- Upgraded to 4.0.1
- Sync my Traktor collection to engine software
- import my newly added tracks to engine
- Double check my cues points and loops
- Start exporting my added track to external drive
- Once done cross reference to make sure all is there
- Tracks that were added did not export to drive.
- Tried both methods sync manager and drag and drop nothing
- Reformated drive and repeat, nothing
- Downgraded to 3.4 and retried everything again and same problem
I was told that engine dosent like drives above 500g which I find is nonsense because before i upgraded all was working.
Who told this to you? I use 1TB SSDs with my SC6000Ms and don’t have issues.
Where you’ll run into issues is total database size. Something close to 2G or ~180K song entries will make things really sluggish IIRC.
There are other considerations that I won’t get into.
A person on Facebook Denon group. But I agree with you
Facebook is almost as terrible as Reddit for succinct reliable honest truthful information
For me good or bad. I was trying to find solution to my problem. I am a tech savy person and try to leave no stone un turned. But back to the problem if this is a database issue I need to solve it. If other have this same problem as me then it needs to be rectified.
That’s why i never used it…