Hi DjCaho, Merci pour ton travail !!! Toujours super !!! Merci de m’envoyer la dernière version mapping MCX8000. Pierrot. (email removed)
J’ai supprimé votre courrier électronique, car l’affichage d’une adresse électronique sur un formulaire public est un moyen sûr d’obtenir une tonne de spam.
C’est mieux de demander aux gens de vous envoyer un message privé (PM) s’ils ont ces informations.
I’ve also gone through the list and removed public facing emails - this removal shouldn’t get in the way of people getting what they need via private message or public download link.
As said before - posting your email on a publicly searchable website is the fastest way to get a truckload of spam in your inbox.
Say it with me:
Hi guys. My latest v11 mapping update works perfectly with the latest denon firmware version, engine prime and traktor 3 (screens no work). Send me a private message for link.
Ditch traktor and use VDJ instead. Then you get super stable performance and outstanding mapping and also screens working
In b4 the VDJ haters!
Ehum… what ?
Hello friends. I inform you that I have sold my dear Denon MCX8000, and I have bought the new Denon Prime 4. I end my project because by not having the controller I will not be able to test future changes in the mapping. I have the latest version of the mapping available for those who need it. I did not manage to make the screens work but the rest of the controller is fully functional. Sorry for my bad english.
hi friend is it possible to send me the latest mapping please? email address is darren.murphy29@yahoo.co.uk Thank you!
hi djcacho , is possible to have the latest mapping for mcx 8000 for traktor ? tnx so much .
Hello, could I kindly ask you for the latest version of mapping for mcx 8000 for Traktor? Thank you very much! twinlightdjs@gmail.com
I sent you a message. Regards
HI Please share me the link for the Traktor Mapping for MCX 8000… my email id is everton@paravision.in Thanks
Hi, DjCacho, I know it’s been a long time since last time you wrote, but could you please send me the last update? I wrote you a private message.
Thanks Regards
Better make it in a private message…
Thanks for your advise, you’re absolutely right, it won’t happen again.
Could anyone of you share the last version DjCacho did?
Hi DJ Cacho
Can you please supply me with the latest Traktor mapping for the Denon Mcx 8000
Asking for MCX8000 latest Traktor Mapping - Are you still active here and sending TSI. file?
Thanks in advance
Hi , can you send the tsi for me too plzzz , Tnx in advance … Le : tnx you i have try it , nice work !