Its (removed) Thanks a lot
Hello @OficialDjCacho, can you please send me the new V10 mapping update to (removed)
Hi @OficialDjCacho, great work on your map. I had a volum problem from the master during use, it happened a few times … I’m under win8 64, limiter off, no autogain. Possible? I solved by restarting Traktor after stand alone.
Hi Friends!!! I send tsi mapping for mail.
It has never happened to me. After restarting Traktor has happened again?
It happened in two distinct and very long sessions, after hours of use. When Traktor reboots, the soft is back to normal. I solved it quickly by going through the standalone mode. At the beginning I was afraid of a problem with the sound card.
Hello @OficialDjCacho, could you pass me the .tsi of the MCX8000? Mail:
please, me too! (not going to post lyn email here. please PM me )
hi guys, I ask you a favor! if you want now traktor and in beta test and you can make a request, in the native instrument beta forum. if we all ask to integrate our mcx 8000 maybe we will be listened to. there is a section for dedicated requests. we share many thanks.
Hi DjCacho, could you send me the last tsi fot the MCX8000 please?
I have detected that some of the e’mails that I have sent have not arrived correctly. The one that is interested in the mapping that asks me for private and I will send the link
hi is it possible to send me the mapping last version pls can you message me in private thx benoit
Szia !!! Küldenél nekem egy jó mapping? Szeretném használni a Traktor dj.
Előre is köszönöm !!!
Dj Cacho,
I had the Traktor mapping once before, however I bought a newer mac, so that copy is now gone, may I asked you to send to (removed)
Thank you once again for all your work and involvement!!!
Hi DjCacho, i will be very very very grateful if you send me the latest version of the mapping.
Thank you for all your work and involvement !!!
Hi guys. My latest v11 mapping update works perfectly with the latest firmware version. Send me a private message for link.
ahoj, funguje tvoj traktor mapping na mcx 8000 bez problémov ? s pozdravom mirec.
hi, does your tractor mapping work on the mcx 8000 without any problems?
Áno. Všetko funguje správne okrem obrazoviek. Máte všetky midi funkcie pracujúce vrátane podložiek.
Hello friend ! New on Denon MCX8000 Any chance of having your Tsi to Traktor on Mac ?? By the way… do i need any audio driver to work in traktor with mac ???
Can you send the TSI to (removed)
thanks a lot
Hey Coyootte-
I removed your email, because posting an email address on a public form is a sure way to get a ton of spam.
It’s better to ask people to Private Message (PM) you if they have these info.