[RESOLVED] Deck 2 Platter Locked (no playback) After Updating to v1.5.2

Hi @DjMell26 - thanks for the feedback.

Are you saying you can cause the platter to lockup just by changing the setting or that a particular setting causes the behavior to occur more frequently? If a particular setting, which one?

I’m not sure what you’re trying to show in the image (aside from the preference) but a video would be more helpful I think.

This can also happen inadvertently with a forearm while reaching over the unit to press the power button. As I said, it’s something to be mindful of.

Hello JWill, indeed the photo I put is there to show where the “Nudge Sensitivity” function is located!

Got it! Can you help to answer my first question?

Are you saying you can cause the platter to lockup just by changing the setting or that a particular setting causes the behavior to occur more frequently? If a particular setting, which one?

Sorry !

Yes, I could see different behavior on 2 SD Cards, a micro SD Evo + Samsung U1 XC1 “64go” (Music 57 go) and a micro SD Transcend High Performance U3 XC1 A2 V30 “128go” (Music 78go), I manage to reproduce the problem more easily on the Samsung only by changing the setting of the Nudge Sensitivity mode from high to Mid or Low, the play on the right side will no longer work after 5/6 songs and even see the change of mode so from the first music. But it will remain a random problem! but easily reproducible!

However on the Transcend … the problem will also be present! but after 45 minutes or even 1h15 see 2h30 of use of Prime Go.

The 2 micro SD cards are new and formatted in ExFat since the capacity is greater than 16go.

Thanks for the additional details. As I mentioned previously, I believe we have identified the issue (firmware) and resolved it in the upcoming 1.6 version. This is being actively tested with our private beta team at the moment but we will announce/release publicly once it is ready.

In the meantime, I would like to see if downgrading to the shipping firmware (v1.4.1) resolves the platter issue.

Downgrade to v1.4.1 Instructions

  1. Download v1.4.1 update zip file HERE.
  2. Unzip the image (.img) file.
  3. Transfer the image (not the zipped version) to the root of your USB/SD.
  4. Insert the USB/SD media into PRIME GO.
  5. Open Utility menu, and choose REBOOT under the Update Firmware option at the bottom.
  6. You should see a message that says “Version 1.4.1 available for update…”.
  7. Tap YES.

Hopefully this temporary solution keeps you mixing until 1.6 is available.

Let me know if this works for you guys.


Unfortunately, the problem was present on 1.4.1 “namely that at the beginning I was using the Samsung micro SD card”! I went to version 1.5.2 but ditto (I would have thought that the problem is solved in this version), no doubt … I therefore bought a new micro SD card the famous “Transcend High Performance” and this was much better! I thought the problem was finally solved and unfortunately after almost 2 hours of use I couldn’t use the Play button on the right deck. I was really disgusted! I strongly believe in the work of the Denon team and I think that if it had not been for the COVID pandemic, the version of the Os Engine could have been corrected for a little while. Unfortunately this COVID P **** N is boycotting everything (the world is idling). I have been a dj since 1995 and I was a former Pro Pioneer from 1995 to 2015 and since then I have been very fond of Denon DJ products.

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Hi @DjMell26 - Sorry to hear that. A number of users reported that they did not experience the issue on 1.4.1 but did after updating to 1.5.2. That is why I have posted this in hope that it is helpful.

Yes, COVID has presented challenges and disruptions to various industries but hopefully the situation starts to turn around in 2021. Thanks again for all your support!

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Hey man can you tell us about when the 1.6 is expected?

After rolling back to version 1.4, no problems were temporarily detected

How did you roll back? The 1.4 firmware is not downloadable on Denon website…

Read this topic again. About 22 days back on the timeline. :relieved:


It has already been 22 days since denon suggests we go back with the firmware to “buffer” this problem reported more than 5 months ago. Rather, how many more days must pass before denon resolves this problem definitively? I’m asking several times here in the forum if anyone can give us precise information about the release of the firmware that solves this incredible problem but nobody deigns to give me an answer!

An answer has already been given, but it is not what most members seek or want to hear, understandably. Precise info is simply not possible.

Not all reported bugs are squashed yet to approve release, I think. Some bugs are like cockroaches. :wink:

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You wrote well … “We are working” IS NOT THE ANSWER WE WANT TO HEAR after more than 5 months of continuous reports and complaints! We want concrete news and you HAVE THE OBLIGATION to provide it to us! Personally, I don’t feel sure I can face live events with the fear that a deck might get blocked! And if I have to be honest, when you release an update you need to BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it does no harm!

Hi @NicoCZ - Providing specific information regarding release dates/times is not something we will ever do. Dates change often during development/testing and we would hate to set the wrong expectation. Trust that when the update is finalized and stable we will announce and release the same day. This a common practice in software development.

The good news is that we believe we have identified and resolved this specific issue in the upcoming 1.6 release. I will update this thread the moment that update is ready.

Thank you for your patience.

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Unfortunately, the issue does not affect all units, users, and environments which made it more difficult to identify. If we saw this issue in our test environments we would not have released it.

There is no need to type in all caps, we understand this issue is causing you trouble. We have acknowledged the fault and are working to get the fix out there as soon as we can.

If you disable VINYL mode you should be able to work around the issue for the time being.


It just happened to me, on 1.5.1. I’m really trying to give InMusic and Denon a chance here, but, I’m kind of surprised you would suggest turning off vinyl mode to fix the issue, as I tried that, it didn’t allow me to continue to mix. Thankfully I was prepping, not live streaming at the time. I understand that it’s a new product, but the blocking of a deck is terrible in an all in one unit with two decks. Firmware shouldn’t do that, ever. Please explain, the 1.6 official firmware will fix this when it’s released? As users if the beta 1.6 seem to have had the same experience.

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I had the same issue once with the new 1.5.2 version, but after restart it worked so :man_shrugging:t2:.

Right deck freezed twice already tonight, I have a streaming show at 8. Really hope you have a fix for this soon.

Twice in one night? Gosh, Denon, fix this, ASAP please, I now have pared down to just this unit for DJing, if I had this happen mid set live, I don’t know what I would do.