I’ve been using soundswitch and noticed that i can create a lot more autoloops using the desktop software than on the Engine OS software on my all in 1 controller (in my case SC Live 4 but i assume that this behavior is Engine OS generic and not tied to the Live 4. So i assume that this behavior is identical to the Prime 4 etc.)
The extra amount of autoloop banks has been introduced in Soundswitch 2.9 and allows users to program 32 autoloops per bank (there are 4 banks in total) combining the total to 128 loops.
Engine OS 4.0.0 has not updated their side and still works with the old 8 autoloop per bank logic (a total of 32 autoloops across 4 banks.) So i started wondering what this means in regards to behavior. Does the controller use all of the banks but it does not show them in the GUI on the controller? Is there a special option to access the 9th or 10th autoloop in a bank?
As it turns out, there isn’t. The controller will only LIST AND USE the first 8 autoloops per bank. You can select each one of them, all the other autoloops will be ignored. This means that any autoloop that you create on the desktop software aside from the first 8 loops in a bank will be ignored during performance mode on the controller!
I figured that i could make a post explaining after some testing to help others avoid setting up test banks etc. even though it might be a niche feature.
If you navigate to your autoloops in SoundSwitch and right click a autoloop in the box. Do you see an option for “Populate Empty Autoloops” there?
Once populated, I think the first time you export from SoundSwitch in 2.9 they will be visible and you should see them on your hardware.
One way of seeing them on your device is going to Engine Lighting in your hardware and switching to another SoundSwiich project file that isn’t on your USB stick/HDD. Try using the embedded demonstration file. You should see them all then.
From memory you just export under 2.9 and it should send them over. Give it a go and see how you go.
My problem was not populating the loops and banks on the desktop software on 2.9 My issue was displaying the banks on the controller. Which has been fixed in 4.1:
Engine Lighting enhancements
Increased Autoloop Count to 128 Autoloops