It’s a modem with wifi-connectivity. I don’t have acces to upgrade it. Only my internet provider as I can understand.
Some people are reporting the same issue on other devices on their 4.0 showcase video on YouTube so hopefully we’ll get something in the near future.
Hi mate,
I own 4 x SC6000/SC6000M, I don’t have any issue with Wifi features in these players.
Are they all the same Numark model as yours or are they a combination of all Engine hardware devices?
Hopefully someone will be along to look into it.
Random combination of equipment with wifi enabled devices.
Type in wifi disabled after engine os update in Google & you’ll see this has been happening to a few random people on random devices on various updates over years, so it’s not a new bug in a sense.
The earliest report I found of this happening was in 2020 on update 2.something, but I just replied to a bloke on YouTube who’s experiencing the same issue with his prime go & advised him to roll back the update until his wifi works again.
He managed to get it working on 3.4 but I have to go back to 3.2 on my pro go to get it working.
So as you can see it’s all very random.
@Touchdown Have you reached out to Denon Support and if so, do you have a ticket?
No, I was hoping somebody had a solution here. But I can do it👍🏻
Please reach out directly to our support channel
Please do. I just pinged one of our leads and they cannot recreate this. Good to get this documented. Thanks.
Done! Thanks!
Just a quick question, while it’s good they’re looking into this issue that we’re having I sort of guessed they would be hard pushed to recreate the issue as it’s quite random.
But as a start could they attempt to separate the firmware update from the controller update just as a test?
I’d be interested to test this out on my pro go if they want to send me the firmware update without the controller update included & if it doesn’t work then no harm done but at least we’ve isolated/tested that idea no?
I am now back on 3.4 and Wi-Fi is working again. Thanks to the Denon DJ support team for reaching out on this one. And of course the rest of you! Hoping for a fix in the next update👍🏻
Hi Rob, you said you’ve reached out to one of your leads regarding this strange wifi issue, did you mention that it’s happening on 3 different devices? @Touchdown’s SC6000M, @AndersBibowOlsen’s Prime Go who reported it on your official 4.0 update showcase YouTube channel, see comments from 8 days ago & my mixstream pro go.
2 of 3 devices work reverting back to 3.4 except my pro go which has to revert back to 3.2.
Any news/update on this mate?
Did you try a factory reset yet? While it seems to only partially resolve Touchdown’s issue, it may resolve yours.
Yes mate, after every update as I also tried to update in increments as well, going back to the original from new out the box 3 months ago os 3.0 then gradually updating to 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.0 but as soon as it hits 3.3 or above (controller version on the pro go) the wifi toggle remains unresponsive & won’t let you turn it on.
Also I tried 3x factory resets in a row (which automatically puts the device into update mode) just to properly clear out any issues.
I even tried a battery drain before plugging it back in to recharge fully & trying again.
No amount of updating, resetting, switching different toggles on/off just to see if it’s randomly connected to another setting is making this wifi toggle turn on.
@Touchdown’s issue has only been part resolved because he’s downgraded back to 3.4, like myself except I have to downgrade to 3.2 controller version
But as I’ve already said in previous posts this issue has been randomly happening to people over the corse of 4 years on different devices at different stages of updates.
There’s reports on this site, reddit & youtube + your channel from 2020, 2021, 2022 etc on updates as far back as os 2.# using the Prime go, SC Live, pro +, pro go & now the SC6000M.
Just found another toggle issue, however this one is not as drastic. Track preview toggle won’t stay off, (but at least you can turn it on/off) when you turn it off in the settings the next time you turn on your device it’s enabled again. So I have to keep turning it off every time I boot up my pro go.
I’m starting to get a toggle button software issue vibe from all this.
I just updated my SC5000 players via wifi on v3.4, was prompted to update over wifi and did so on both players. After reboot i cannot connect to wifi. Tried a factory reset, same. From settings i can toggle wifi on so its green. Hit the gear icon and apparently wifi is disabled. BUG
Now looking for previous version…
You can get any version from the official denon website under downloads in pc, mac & usb format, just revert back to last update that worked & wait for a fix. If you’re using usb make sure it’s formatted to fat32/exFat with no other files on it.
I downloaded the v3.4 dmg onto a usb drive, turned off both players, inserted the usb into player 1 and turned it on. When it booted up it went straight to the connect WiFi screen (which i never got to before). i connected to WiFi and turned on tidal and connected, loaded a playlist… i had reset player 1.
Player 2 i just turned on and again, it took me right to the connect WiFi screen, i had to renter my wifi password and as this player was not reset tidal just connected.
So I didn’t have to revert to v3.4. After the update over WiFi from 3.4 to 4.0 both decks reboot. After the reset of player 1 it rebooted. Maybe the in process reboot isn’t the same as turning the players off and on?
Anyway, both have been connected and streaming from tidal for hours now.
Hey @AndyC be sure to have the device connected to the power supply when you do a factory reset, otherwise it may not reset all the parameters when running off battery power.