1.6 update x1850 failure

What I think is that due to the scarcity of parts to make the X1850, the newer mixers use different parts than the X1850 that were produced in the beginning. I have an x1850 of the first generation that is compatible with firmware 1.5. The newer x1850 with different parts that come with firmware 1.6. So my x1850 apparently can’t handle 1.6 and therefore dies.

Mmmmmm. I would have thought if you cant get part a then you get a direct replacement of equal or better spec…

it would appear that its just a replacement part never mind the spec. Thats not good from an electronic engineering point of view.

But denon have kept VERY quiet about all this havent they. They just pull the firmware from website ondicating they knew SOMETHIMG but failed to notify anyone at end user level.

This is a PR disaster to say the least…

Specs can change and newer firmware should simply accommodate those, but that went wrong.

@reece. Yes i can accept that but you dont use a lower spec part you spec to equivalent or better.

IE you dont replace an i7 cpu with an pentium 1 cpu and expect to run the same software at same speed.

If denon have built a faulty batch and they know that (indications show this) the least they can do is admit it and wear the backlash. OR agree to fix ALL bricked units free of charge. Including postage. After all its not end users fault that component spec was not up to par is it.

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Nobody is talking about difference in quality.

Imagine the mixer’s network cards. Perhaps a different part is needed which needs other firmware coding. Just don’t remove the old coding…

The fault in this was the testing. That’s definitely true.

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I think @Reese is right. It’s a digital mixer and it still will fulfil the same specs.

this may be a daft question, but you didn’t accidentally use the x1800 firmware did you? saying that, I suppose the fact that the firmware updates for the x1850 are down on the website probably suggests it’s a known issue.

Got to say… its a pretty bad f up

I got mine in January with 1.3 and was able to upgrade to 1.5. Others got their X1850 in March with 1.6. We know x1850 is currently delivered with 1.6 but it looks like 1.6 is not compatible to the previous hardware.

No I had the firmware 1.6 for the x1850

hi all, i just got a message from bax shop that my x1850 has been fixed, “Deleted firmware recovered, test ok”. I will have the x1850 back soon and hope the mixer is fixed. I wonder what firmware the mixer has now. I will let you know when I receive the mixer. I’m not brave enough to update it for now. I hope to get an answer from DenonDj @Anthony_DDJ what exactly went wrong and how to proceed when there are updates again in the future. Gr JP

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I think it was explained what happened: small part differences that needed a newer firmware.

Normally, updating should be okay.

Do we know what is inside of the x1850. Is it the same like we find in SCx000, Prime4, Force, MPC, … of course without the big display or is it something completely different?

will we get 2 different firmware soon? or will there be 1 firmware that can handle all the different components

1.6 should have been the one for all hardware versions. :relieved:

Yes, my x1850 mixer is back. reconnected to my dj booth and for what i can see now the x1850 works fine. the firmware that is now on it is 1.5 and will not be updated for the time being. thanks everyone for your input.

Just updated my sc5000 to 2.2.1 and watch my foto s.

the sound goes away and the lights go off and on on the 1850? what’s up again?.. is it the sc5000 or the x1850? The display does not go off and on @Anthony_DDJ

Hey @DJJV - Let’s reconnect in a DM and set you up with a technical support agent.

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