hello i tryed to update the mixer to the latest firmware, i downloaded the files from denon dj own pages, tryed to run the update function on the mixer. it first did the erease flash and then it was standing on data reciving for a really long time. and now i dont get the mixer up running again. did not find a description on how to propely performe the software update. need help whit this please. it can may look like the mixer no longer has a firmware.i still gets up the firmware version 1.6 and i can go thru the all of the lights on the mixewr just blinks the same way it does when turning the mixer on at all time
Just redo the update. Use USB port1 on the mixer. Hold BACK + FX CUE + TAP > Power ON
It will start in update mode. Run the update from the computer. If it states “data receiving”, but “next” in the updater does not respond, reseat the USB cable momentarily (out/in) and press “next” again. It should continue. Otherwise try another USB port or another computer.
It may take 3 tries to get it to update properly…