Writing tags to file

Is there a trick to getting Engine DJ to save the tags to the files? If I load tracks I tag in Engine into other software the tags are left unchanged. This forces me to use Traktor or apple music to do all my tagging, especially in the comments section.

That doesn’t seem very “Pro” to me

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There is a pending feature request for writing tags back to the file. You can vote on it.


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Definitely hoping for this one as well. That’s the only thing I’m truly missing from Engine at this point :blush:

@STU-C if think you’re mixing two things. I hope Dylan means editing in Engine DJ, not Engine OS. If I’m wrong and he really means on the console / player. you’re totally right. :wink:

@Dylan_Anthony Editing of MP3 tags is possible in Engine DJ. The important point is, that the track must not be loaded to the player in Engine DJ. In this case the file is locked and changes are only written to the database. If you unload the track and then make the change on the tag it is saved to the file proberly. For editing on console or player, check out the feature request Stu-C mentioned.

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Ahhh ok. I think there’s another request for having them written back to the file isn’t there? I don’t think it does it from engine dj for things like bpm or comments.

For BPM I’m not sure, but comments are definitely written back. :wink:

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Ah ok, I have to be honest it’s not something I’ve tested myself too much, just recalling previous requests/conversations on here.

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