When the new relase of enginedj?

Does anyone know if there will be a new version of the engine soon? I would like to fix some problems with version 3.3.0. Thank to all

Nobody knows.

It would help if you detailed your issues so somebody knows what problems you’re having.

A rather annoying problem is that sometimes it takes a long time to load the song and during the process the waveforms are enchanted for a couple of seconds while continuing to play. When I synchronize from the PC to the USB stick I sometimes lose the cue points. When I’m in cue with the master/cue knob all on cue if I press the split button this doesn’t work not making the sound heard in the headphones I have to move the cue knob back a little and the sound comes back. I tried to downgrade to version 3.2 .0 is the problem disappears.

Can’t answer the other things, but ‘losing the cue points’ can be solved by ensuring you ‘sync to desktop’ BEFORE syncing new music to your drive, that way any cues and loops you have added on your player are saved back to the desktop app first.

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I do this but sometimes the cues on the stick disappear on some songs Thank you for your interest

What is “a long time”?

What is “the song”? What format is the file?

Where are you loading it from - internal drive, SD card, USB flash drive, streaming?

If streaming, from which service? How fast is your internet and wifi?

What size is the song? Is it really just one track or an hour long mix?

Performance might improve if you run the library cleanup tool from the settings menu.

  • long time compared to version 3.2.0
  • I’ve always used wavs
  • Or from internal SSD or from high performance USB
  • I don’t use streaming. In Italy, making music via streaming is prohibited, there are no regulations
  • One track not long mix

However, downgrade to version 3.2 everything goes back to normal

What device are you using?

I am a happy owner of a PRIME 2, I only encountered these problems with version 3.3, I have never had any problems of any kind even when using it with continuous 6/8 hour DJ sets