I have just received my Prime Go, I also have a Prime 4 and use the Track Skip button to quickly put a track back to it’s beginning but the Prime Go does not have this feature. Other than using your finger on the touchpad to put the cue point to the beginning of the track which is fiddly and distracting is there any other way on the Prime Go to set quickly set the cue to the track start?
I use the touch screen, just whip it to the left back to track start, needle drop style.
You have to enable the track touch screen option that makes its touchable while it’s playing.
Work great for me!
Set the loop length to 64 and then press shift and turn the loop encoder knob anti clockwise to jump back through the track. Alternatively press shift and play to jump back to the start (assuming this is where you have set the cue).
It’s also always good to mark one hot cue on the beginning of the track.
@soundfish. The CUE button means to cue up a song at the start… be it the intro or first downbeat. By preparing it ready for playing when required.
If your not useing the CUE button to set this point I’m intrigued to how you are useing the main purpose of the button?
Also using hotcues at the start and any other ‘hot’ location you wish to jump too is again what they are used for. How are you understanding these?
SHIFT + PLAY jumps back to the set CUE point and continues to play. Whilst just CUE jumps back and holds until play is pressed again.
I have a Prime 4 and a Prime Go too.
I drag my finger to the far left of the track overview (that very little waveform that covers the whole song at the top).
I set very little in the way of cue points in my tracks. 99% don’t have them but since coming to the Prime Go I’ve tried to get into the habit of setting them. As a Serato DJ user as well the changes made in Engine DJ aren’t reflected in SDJ so just never set them as I don’t like one-way data flow.
Hello everyone. I have a question that is perhaps not relevant to thred. If I have several songs where different CUE points have been set, is there a way to understand, in the view of all the songs in the library, that a song has a stored CUE point? Or must it necessarily be loaded into a deck to see if there is a previously set CUE point? I apologize if I go off topic and for the English mistakes. Thanks for your attention!
Thanks for all the tips here I will test them all and see what’s easiest
I use the touchscreen. But a Shift + Cue function to restart a track would be good. Seen it on other controllers.
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