What do you think? Would it be good if the PC version was playable like Serato or Traktor? I’m sorry for my English)))
It was an adventure, but I have used Engine DJ as a performance software. It has two decks and a cross-fader. As an interface to the venue’s mixer I used the MX-1 mixer from Roland, which has some nice effects. You probably need to use Sync and you must know your tracks, because there are no headphones. But with a bit of preparation and creativity, it is actually quite nice.
That is not really what Engine DJ was made for. Although it would be nice to connect 2 Pioneer CDJs in HID mode, it would solve part of the library conversion problem…
Why? I got this system to get away from the laptop while DJing.
Because if the device worked both as standalone and as a controller, while synchronizing everything via USB, it would be convenient.
It does already. Standalone as the main use, controller as a secondary option. It can’t do both at once, but then it doesn’t need to.
Of course it can) This is a programming issue) Make an exclusive connection for the Engine without entering PC mode. And when music was added to a track in the program, it was copied to the device’s buffer. Once again, I’m sorry for my English.
It’s already possible to connect to Engine without being in PC mode. I’d suggest reading the maunals for Engine and whichever hardware device you have.
how? I’ve already searched everywhere(((
With everything on the same network and connecting correctly and with Engine DJ open on your computer, it can be selected as a media source on your hardware.
Ok, but in that regard I would still find it convenient to push tracks on the laptop to a hardware device from the laptop, instead of fetching it on the hardware device from the laptop. If you connect a laptop, you might as well use it big ass screen for browsing…
Although I agree that I bought a standalone device to get away from the laptop. But there might be times you want to use a laptop anyway. Rekordbox offers both options…
Sorry my mind is boggled. If you have the hardware in front of you with load buttons, why would you want to “push from the laptop”?
Isn’t using any controller with DJ software using the laptop “as a big ass screen”?
Does it work like Serato?
It’s a media source i.e. a library. It’s not performance software.
If you want to use your standalone device just as a controller, you can - with Serato, VirtualDJ or djay Pro. With others you’d have to map things yourself.
My laptop screen still is 5” larger than my SC6000s screen, has a keyboard and mouse, is thus faster to edit playlists, faster to browse/search, and last but not least can edit ID3 tags and ratings.
I am not burning down my SC6000s, but there are downsides to a standalone unit too…. Right now I am typing this on my iPad. But once I need to do complex office work where I need to crosscheck things between 2 files/screens/apps, I will use my laptop. Does that mean my iPad is badly designed? No, but its touchscreen GUI has strong and weak points against a keyboard and mouse GUI. A standalone DJ device is the same compromise between portability and versatility. Pioneer recognises this, letting you choose if you connect your laptop to your CDJs or not. And believe me, I have seen a lot of DJ connecting their rekordbox to the provided CDJs using an ethernet cable, instead of using USB sticks. Whatever floats their/your/my boat, but the option is there.
I’m not so sure Pioneer do it because they “recognise” anything. As I’ve seen others say, it’s usually done to overcome a functional limitation. Their kit doesn’t do standalone analysing, or it hasn’t in the past.
Keyboard and mouse shouldn’t be required when the controller is connected. Editing playlists, tags and ratings IMO should be done on the computer in advance. I’ll give you searching, but it’s obvious anyway as the standalones have lower powered processors.
I just want to go on the record as saying that I don’t want Engine playable like Traktor and would like the title to this thread changed so it doesn’t include me. Also, I believe the term “need” in the title is a broad sweeping overstatement. I think “Vlad and possibly others want to make Engine Desktop playable like Traktor” is a much better representation. Thoughts?
I agree with @SirReal Engine does not need to be like other dj software. I like to work without the laptop and I am happy to leave the computer at home. Also that’s wHY I chose Denon gear in the first place. Decks offer many Features that dj software does, without need for a computer. Let it stay that way.
That’s where workflows start to differ. I have so many tracks, and started with already 10.000 tracks I imported from CD. I started my collection with a huge setback in library curation, which I still drag with me today. During my (unprepared 8 hour) sets I regularly discover gems I didn’t realize I had. So, I do curation “on the fly”. And the engine platform doesn’t let me do this, at least for ID3 tags, and deleting stuff from playlists is pointless if you use a master library on your laptop.
I agree that a standalone has strong points, and on device editing, as well as that syncing deletes bug, should be adressed ASAP to make a more complete standalone platform. But please also accept there are people that want to be able to connect their laptop in a Rekordbox fashion, for one reason or another…
Development resources to accomplish such a thing is a whole other can of worms…
I believe Engine DJ’s goal is to move away from the PC. That is one of the reasons that I took interest in this platform. I moved from Serato to Denon DJ because I got tired of carrying a laptop. In no way am I discouraging those that use Serato, as it is a great tool, was key in me getting me back into DJing in the mid 2000’s and reinvigorated my career.
I feel that standalone is the next evolution in DJing. A PC version would be a nice-to-have feature, but would be a move in the wrong direction.