Waweform problem

Hello community! I have a problem with Prime 2 and with Mixstream Pro (I have both). The waveform lags. I tried downgrading, but nothing changes. I am desperate.

Are you sure the waveform lags behind audio and not the other way around: audio behind waveform?

If the waveform lags then see if you are using the same storage media for both devices - that would indicate problem with your storage speed or library problem. Have you tested with streaming tracks?

From my understanding, the waveform is now generated live (rather than pre-generated) which was a step taken to reduce bloat on the database.

It has no impact on the music the ability to mix it, it’s purely visual.

It’s a graphics lag that I also have on my Asus Rog computer. The lag also occurs with the demo songs on the console

Have you tried a factory reset? It’s a bit drastic if you’ve changed a lot of settings but can help sort any issues you may have out.

What you see as lag could possibly have an explanation. Maybe quantise is on and it’s set so it feels like it’s not responsive as you press buttons.

As it’s happening on the internal tracks then it can’t be pointing towards a database issue on the sticks. You can always try reanalysing your sticks and trying it again after a factory reset.

I’d say film what you see and upload it here. Test on the internal tracks as that’s a good indicator. You’re not bringing in an outside variable with that.

I’ve never seen this on any of my units but that’s not to say it’s something that can be affecting you. It could be a bug that affects certain conditions and others may not see it.

The problem is present on both my MixStream pro and denon prime 2 consoles

That’s part of the side effect of the waveform being generated live rather than stored on the DB. It’s purely cosmetic and has no influence on the music.

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Ahhh. I see what you mean. Sorry for that, I thought that you meant the audio or waveform was lagging behind the other.

That’s a momentary waveform freeze that makes it look jerky but it’s all okay. It’s the CPU threading and is only relates to a visual glitch. Audio is unaffected. It’s known to them but I’m unsure if there’s a fix on the horizon.

If you can ignore it for now it’s the best way. Unfortunately it’s done this since around V1.6 I think.

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So can I rest assured? Won’t I skip the music?

Don’t worry. That issue will not cause the audio to skip.

It’s a visual glitch only so your audio will be okay.

It’s one of the things it does as the waveform is drawn as the track plays and not saved as it was before.

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It will be better in an upcoming Engine version.


that’s nice to hear :heart_eyes:

Ok tnx friends


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