Using performance pads causes power loss on SC5000 Prime

Hi everyone,

I’m throwing a bottle in the sea to get your opinions and help. I opened a support ticket a few days ago and I still haven’t had any feedback from Denon despite my reminders.

I recently encountered a problem with my SC5000. During a session my turntable went into “Power Loss” while I had no loss of power.

I did some further research and after testing different power cables it turns out that the problem manifests itself via the “Performance Pads” and “CUE button”. When I use them it’s at this precise moment that I have the “Power Loss” on the screen as if tapping them acted like a power cut.

Video showing the problem :

Oddly enough, before the firmware update 4.2.0 and the arrival of the Stems function everything worked normally, since these updates this behavior has started to appear. Is there a link ?

Best regards :pray:

HI sorry to see that, I di tae a look at your clip, is a little strange behavior. I first though, before looking at the clip that it went off.

Just chucking it out there but may, be the firmware, as my old SC5000 (Now replaced due to a problem from 4.0 black screening it, Denon not able to fix it).

However could also be a power problem inside the unit itself, like something getting to warm on the power board or pad boards. A repair might be in order or at least a health check. But this is a worst case senario.

You could try rolling the Engine OS Firmware back to 3.4 and see if you have the same problem, or see if the unit is now stable.

But is perhaps worth a shot?

But I have not personally experienced this one, however I am still running Engine OS 4.0.1 due to the changes in 4.2 effecting how I can no longer use Engine software 4.2 on my system. Long story, another topic…


Hi dopeNL,

Thanks for your reply. Yes the behavior isn’t normal as if something was interfering with the components or a bad contact.

Then the turntable is no longer under warranty but I started looking for authorized repairers for this type of hardware. I had done the upgrade 4.2.0 to use Stems.

I did a factory reset but no downgrade. I thought it was not possible once the new update was installed but apparently it’s possible from what you tell me, I will start with that tomorrow and do a troubleshooting again.

I will update this post.

Thanks again :+1:

Best regards :slightly_smiling_face:

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Update -


I downgraded the turntable, I tested the equipment again on different power outlets, unfortunately the same observation. Probably the fault comes from the equipment itself.

I will have to turn to a repairer. It’s still crazy that Denon doesn’t put so much informations for repairs or hardly responds. I am quite disappointed with their service.

Thanks again for your help :+1:

Best regards