Hi All,
I’ve got/had this weird situation with my Mixstream Pro Go (happened on my old broken wifi one that got sent back as well)
So I have these 2x generic 128gb usb sticks (supposedly 3.0) probably not but they’re tiny like little dongles that only protrude out as much as the rca ports.
Anyways the situation is if I scroll to fast through my tracks (870) then the Pro Go throws a hissy fit & everything goes blank, tracks fail to show then it says usb not ejected properly even though I haven’t touched it.
Now these cards may be crap in general but they’re fine for using with the the desktop version of Engine DJ or other general music files & even films on my laptop or plugged into the TV & also never had this issue with 3.4 on my Pro Go that’s why I used them, but since they introduced the smaller font option in 4.0 that’s when things started going to pot (it’s even worse in 4.0.1 for some reason) doesn’t matter if I reverted back to large font either.
I’ve since changed to a Kingston SD card & everything is working fine again but is the standalone equipment really that sensitive to generic compatibility?
I’m not blaming either equipment here as separately they both work as they should but obviously combined together they’re clearly not happy.
Anyways forget about the above odd compatibility behavior what I’d like to get is your recommendation for stable USB/SD cards that you have the most faith in because when it comes to SD cards you have all these weird different types (sdhc, sdx this, sdy that) which make & model should I be looking for?
Thank you all in advance.