Unwanted anchors in pre analyzed tracks

Hi guys,

When i drag in tracks for the first time in engine dj, i get a lot of anchors in the track, that i then have to delete one by one before analyzing the track myself.

Does anyone of you experience the same problem? Is there any way to maybe delete them all at once?

Thanks in advance!


Moin @larsson,

I’m a little bit flabbergasted.

I never heard that there are anchors in a track autmatically. Anchors you have to drop by hand and the anchors will be shown as a yellow strike (in the amending modus).

To delete all anchors at one strike you only have to unlock the track and reset. Then all anchors will be deleted and the beatgrid will be removed to the beginning.

Good luck and enjoy the weekend


Hello, @larsson. I found one track in my collection with this problem. I was unable to add anchors even after resetting the beatgrid, then found the track had several anchors (more than what the user is allowed to use) in groups of 4 beats after each hot cue I placed after loading the track for the first time, the very same day I discovered this weird issue. At first, I thought the anchors were part of the exported metadata from my Rekordbox collection, but that software does not offer such feature.

I think that is a very rare bug dragged from previous versions, because I haven’t reanalized the whole library since the first export from Rekordbox, and also seems to affect only a few selected tracks.

I can share the song’s info for research purposes if needed.