Two mixers, 4 decks

Scenario is in the title. If your doing a B2B with 2 X1800s and 4 SC5/6Ks, how do you connect everything so SoundSwitch works in all tracks?

Hi I think there is no real possibility for that scenario.

Something I could think of is some manual switching with the control one, from USB 1 and USB2.

Thanks @MilianAkeem, unfortunately I don’t own the control one, but certainly an option to look into going forwards.

Oh just looked at it again. I thought you have 8 total decks, because of the 2 layer function.

So if you have only 2 decks with one x1850 and this twice, I could have a solution, but can’t test ist.

In general use the external mixer option with the soundswitch pc software, but we are splitting the fader mapping on to the two x1850 mixer

  • Use a PC/Mac Running soundswitch.
  • Connect all 4 SC6000/5000 to one external usb hub (best not to use the x1850 hub)
  • Run the LAN cable to the PC
  • Now connect booth X1850 via a USB-B cable from the mixer to the PC. Each cable should run into the PC so 2 USB cable total.
  • Use in the software Soundswitch the external mixer option and activate 4 decks
  • Map 2 faders of x1850#1 and also map 2 faders of the x1850#2 to the other faders that are left.
  • Make sure your players have the right number set on the players itself and are corresponding to the right fader numbers
  • Start SS in performance mode

So you will lose the engine link on the players and mixers itself, but now SS should work

Also make sure you only use one usb drive just to make sure. Since you link all SC* one can be used for all

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Definitely a plan that, will have a go next week :+1:t3: