Trouble updating firmware on Prime 4

Hi all, I’m having trouble doing my first update on my Prime 4. So I have followed all the instructions for the firmware update via PC by downloading the v1.5.2 on the laptop and this comes up with ‘do you want to run this file’. So then I go to utility on the P4 and press on reboot next to update firmware. Then click run on the laptop and click on update prime 4. Ok so far but then I get an update error saying there was an error updating your device. I know naff all about computers and have always used turn tables in the past so not hot on software. Only had the P4 for 2 months so still getting used to it! Any help appreciated!

You can update by USB stick. Download USB update firmware,unzip and place it on the root of your USB stick, power up them reboot in firmware update mode using the menu.